Mastering B2B Transactions & File Transfers


Enables organizations to capture, collect, enrich, aggregate, and contextualize file events to track and trace files

Pragmaedge. Filegps, File gps, Pragma, Business Monitoring, end to end file monitor

Pragma Edge IANN FileGPS provides enterprise-wide file/transaction monitoring capabilities, tracks SLA, and provides alerts on events or non-events.

IANN FileGPS provides enterprise-wide file/transaction monitoring across any application. Many organizations utilize file transfers as a means of communication between B2B partners or between application to application integration; due to various applications involved in handling the end to end process integration, the end to end visibility of the transactions/files are lost, which causes inefficiencies and missed SLA. IANN FileGPS provides the ability to provide enterprise-wide end to end file/transaction monitoring that can track SLA and key events in the processing of the files/transactions.

Why IANN FileGPS Stands Out?

IANN FileGPS is more than just monitoring software. It’s a conduit for proactive business intelligence. Dive into situational awareness of file activities that could sway customer business outcomes. Plus, respond rapidly to emerging challenges or degrading processes.

Comprehensive File Monitoring

Experience total visibility over files as they traverse diverse IT landscapes.

Instant Alerts

Stay informed with real-time alerts on vital file activities and events.

Enhanced User Access Control

Tailor user access, ensuring data security and regulatory adherence.

Deep Data Insights

Glean actionable insights, fostering growth and timely decision-making.

End to end file Monitoring

Pragma Edge IANN FileGPS is an End-to-End file monitoring software that enables organizations to capture, collect, enrich, aggregate, and contextualize file events to track and trace files as they move through various disparate IT systems and business applications. File GPS is business-focused. It provides insights for the business to bring situational awareness to the file activities, impacting customer business processes, and enabling proactive responses to problems or degrading processes.

FileGPS, Business Monitor, IBM, Data Processing, Machine Learning, Pragama Edge, PragmaEdge, PragmaEdge FileGPS Business User Interface

End-to-End Transactional Visibility & Reconciliation

Intelligent Artificial Neural Network (IANN) FileGPS Solution provides a simplified business end-user activity dashboard and SLA management interface to allow the business users, most knowledgeable about customer file activity and organizational commitments, to manage, track and get alerts on file activity and SLA non-compliance. Alerts can be personalized and can be received either on the dashboard, by email or SMS.

Intelligent Artificial Neural Network (IANN) FileGPS Software provides fine-grain access controls for data security and restricting end-user access.

The solution allows for end-users and groups to be set up to view and/or manage SLAs for a specific customer or set of customers and can also restrict viewing to a specific file from a specific customer.

This enables greater business end-user participation in the solution because they won’t have access to information outside their responsibility.

IANN FileGPS provides the ability to create role-based access to limit the access to the file/transaction.

Internet security, FileGPS, Business Monitor, IBM, Data Processing, Machine Learning, Pragama Edge, PragmaEdge,
SLA_Graph, FileGPS, Business Monitor, IBM, Data Processing, Machine Learning, Pragama Edge, PragmaEdge,

SLA Management

IANN FileGPS is a single solution that uniquely provides the ability for an organization to perform SLA monitoring and management across disparate IT systems and business applications.

Business end users can manage and monitor file processes and assign required SLAs because the events can be contextualized in business terms, not IT terms.

SLAs can be set at the partner, enterprise, business unit/group and file/transaction levels.

Vender SLA’s.
Supplier SLA’s.
Shipment SLA’s.

Healthcare eligibility responses SLA’s.
Missed acknowledgements.

Data Enrichment

IANN FileGPS provides a canonical data model for standardizing event data collected from disparate systems within the enterprise.

More importantly, Pragma Edge IANN FileGPS solution allows each system in the process to enrich data collected to add more business context to the events being monitored.

Business enriched event data provides more meaningful insights for business end-user experience and removes the complexity inherent in IT systems with their myriad, disparate identifiers and technical naming conventions.

PragmaEdge FileGPS, Data Enrichment, FileGPS, Business Monitor, IBM, Data Processing, Machine Learning, Pragama Edge, PragmaEdge,
Event-Correlation-In-FileGPS, FileGPS, Business Monitor, IBM, Data Processing, Machine Learning, Pragama Edge, PragmaEdge,

Event Correlation

Pragma Edge Intelligent Artificial Neural Network (IANN) FileGPS’s sophisticated event correlation engine applies the intelligence to data collected to correlate the various events received from the participating business applications.

The engine uniquely identifies files received and links all the events together to trace the lineage and activities of the file as it moves through the enterprise across the various participating applications.

It even handles events received out of sequence due to system outages or planned downtime.

IANN FileGPS Application is built on Big Data technology that can scale for business activity growth and to meet your expanded future needs.

Its high-speed event collection, streaming and NoSQL database provides the architecture components and capabilities to meet the most demanding business processes requirements.

This high-performance solution has delivered an incredible 4 million events per hour in a customer production setting.

Big-Data-File-GPS, FileGPS, Business Monitor, IBM, Data Processing, Machine Learning, Pragama Edge, PragmaEdge,
Data Visualisation File GPS

Data Visualization

Report generation is an added feature in IANN FileGPS for you to get the factual insights about the data. You can simplify the visualization of data in graphs and reports. You can configure basic dashboards or customize as per your needs.

What Makes IANN FileGPS Unique

Intelligent Artificial Neural Network (IANN) FileGPS isn’t just a tool, it’s a solution. It equips organizations to manage SLAs seamlessly across varied IT systems and business apps. From boosting operational efficiency to predictive maintenance, align your processes with industry standards, and leverage intelligent insights to stay a step ahead.

Benefits of IANN FileGPS Solution

Monitor your Strategic goals, Operational Intelligence.
Business Operations and Process improvements.

Monitor Supplier performance, Predictive maintenance.
Manage and react to performance grantee before they are hit.

Improve customer satisfaction.
Monitor and Manage your performance of business process.

Compare your process performance by industry standards.
Integrate any business process exception to business users that can resolve the business case.

IANN FileGPS: Your Key to Operational Brilliance

Experience unparalleled file monitoring, SLA tracking, and real-time alerts. All at your fingertips with IANN FileGPS Solution.






IANN FileGPS is an Enterprise-wide file monitoring solution that provides enterprise-wide file/transaction monitoring capabilities, tracks SLA, and provides alerts for files through complete file transmission.

IANN FileGPS Can monitor files across disparate IT systems and business applications, and it provides a simplified business end-user activity dashboard and SLA management interface to allow the business users, most knowledgeable about customer file activity and organizational commitments, to manage, track and get alerts on file activity and SLA non-compliance.

IANN FileGPS also provide alerts based on file activity to be monitored based on their status through various alerts configuration.

No, Our FileGPS Client will generate the events without changing the end application.

File Search is a module where we can search the complete information regarding a transmitted file and its status. Example files of SI, MQ or any other applications.

FileGPS have a file load alert (FLA) that notifies you whether the file is a success or failure.

we have 6 alerts named SLA, FNR, FLA, TRA, TNR, and Subscription Alerts

FNR Alert lets the business team know that the file has not been received for the entity. When a file has not reached its destination.

TNR Alert lets the user know that the expected Transaction has not been received for the entity and if the expected transactions count for the entity is not matched with a received count of transactions.

What happened to a file, whether it started or not, is in the process stage or not and also failure file with an error code can be tracked in the Subscription alert

File load alert lets the user on the file transmission status, whether it is a success or failure.

Yes, We can tie Service Level Agreement (SLA) where Users can create entity-based or file-based SLA/KPIs based on the file status. Here users should provide a range of percentages or durations to raise alerts accordingly.

TRA Alert lets the business team know that the Transaction has not been received for the entity if the Transaction of a file from the initial stage to the response stage is not received in the given time interval

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FileGPS - End To End File Monitoring

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On April 21 2021, 11 AM CT