Frequently asked Questions
The following IBM Sterling Control Center Director frequently asked questions and answers provide you with general and frequently used or required installation, configuration, and replication-related information.
IBM Sterling Control Center Director
Using IBM Sterling Control Center Director, administrators can download the available Connect: Direct packages and make them available to users in the solution. Within a few clicks, the updates are scheduled. Users and admins can then easily track the status of jobs and see which are complete. Jobs can even be put on hold to avoid conflicts with other processes—all from a central console.
Read the following IBM Sterling Control Center Director frequently asked questions and answers.
Control Center Director Engine renders the following core functions through a set of services that
- Secure connection by using certificate-based authentication and manage communication with Connect: Direct Agent and Server
- Enforce scheduled upgrades on target Connect: Direct nodes where package content is to be distributed
- Monitor Connect: Direct server and Agent status
- Control Connect: Direct Servers management with a variety of routines that stretch between viewing, and modifying server and server group settings, to exporting server group composition reports.
- Collect licensing data from managed Connect: Direct servers for greater visibility of your environment inventory.
IBM Control Center Director 1.0 has the following features and enhancements:
- With a new, easy-to-use Web User Interface ( Control Center Director Web Console), IBM Control Center Director offers its users ease to perform routine server operational and administrative procedures necessary for upgrade management, server management, viewing deployment history, aggregating, correlating, and reporting licensing usage, using a standard Web browser.
- Control Center Director integrates with the following:
- Connect Direct for UNIX
- Connect: Direct for z/OS (License Governance only)
Control Center Director provides Web Console, a browser-based interface, to render license governance and server management capabilities for large-scale Connect: Direct deployments. Web Console service is a component of the Control Center Director.
Control Center Director provides a RESTful API interface to make HTTPS queries and fetch data from Control Center Director. These APIs make it easy to integrate Control Center Director with external portals and other monitoring tools.
Install Control Center Director software package to install the REST API Service.
- Untar the installer .tar.gz file.
% tar -zxvf IBM_CCDirector_1.0.0.0_Linux_x64.tar.gz
The following files are extracted:
- Confirm that you have sufficient privileges to run the following script file.
% ./ICCDirector.bin
- The installation menu appears. Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step and complete installation.
The Control Center Director configuration utility referred to here as the configuration script is a menu-driven command-line utility for configuring the Control Center Director.
When you run the configuration script in prompt mode and are prompted for values, the applicable default value is displayed in brackets at the end of the prompt. If you enter no value, the script uses the default value. The default value also provides an example of the format of the value that is required.
The agent is a component of Connect: Direct servers that are managed using the Control Center Director.
It helps complete various tasks that are initiated in the Control Center Director Web Console.
For example, if you want to upgrade a Connect: Direct Server in your network, you can schedule this task in Control Center Director. The agent replicates these settings and ensures that the task is completed effectively
While running silently in the background, the Connect: Direct Agent contacts Connect: Direct Server to
- Enforce scheduled upgrades on Connect: Direct nodes where package content is to be distributed
- Collect licensing data
- Relay maintenance tasks initiated in the Control Center Director Web Console
- Relay managed Connect: Direct node and Agent discovery events to Control Center Director Engine.
When the Connect: Direct Agent is first installed and configured, it is auto-discovered by the Control Center Director Engine within 1 minute.
Control Center Director upgrades and applies maintenance to Connect: Direct nodes through a Connect: Direct Agent instance which is co-packaged with Connect: Direct software.
Control Center Director supports script-based configuration and most of its software runs as a service after the installation is complete. The utility scripts come in handy and allow users to manually perform functions like stopping the Web Server, Starting the Engine etc. For example, administrators can use config.shutility to configure components such as SQL database by executing this script that comes bundled with the product software.
Utilities listed below require root privileges to be executed.
- StartWebServer, stopWebServer, showProcs, killProccs, stopEngine.sh, stopEngine.bat, runEngine, config, runDataCollector, createTestCA, exportCDServersFromICC, importServers, exportCDServersFromCCD
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