Industries We Serve

We provide innovative business solutions to address your complex industry challenges. Discover more about our industry-specific products and services.

Every industry is different and operates in its own unique way. Understanding the unique challenges that each industry faces is critical to business success. You could work with solution or service providers who have a general understanding of business and technology – or you can choose a partner with a deep understanding of your industry. Pragma Edge has first-hand experience of partnering with clients from diverse industries, assisting them get the future they want for their business.

Industries We Work For

Manufacturing Industry

See how leading manufacturing industries leveraging Sterling Solutions from Pragma Edge for automated onboarding, automate other manual processes, improve overall efficiency, and reduce costs

Banking and Financial

Discover how Pragma Edge Solutions and Sterling Services are being used in leading financial and banking industries to optimize or modernize their existing systems.

Healthcare Industry

Learn how health care industries has overcome its challenges using Pragma Edge’s solutions, and discover actionable insights that can be applied to your business for improved performance and boost overall customer satisfaction.


Discover how transportation and logistics companies are using Pragma Edge Solutions to streamline business processes, enhance security, ensure end-to-end visibility, and facilitate reliable data exchange.


Explore how leading insurance industries are utilizing Pragma Edge Products and Sterling Solutions to optimize and modernize their IT systems, enhancing B2B integration and accelerating the onboarding process


Today, the digitally connected consumer shapes the online marketplace, compelling retailers to adapt continually. Our retail solutions enhance customer experiences and streamline business operations by integrating disruptive technologies.


Food and Beverages

With real-time insights and innovative digital platforms, Pragma Edge empowers food and beverage companies to adapt to market demands, drive growth, and maintain competitiveness in the digital age.

Life Sciences

Life Sciences

In industries demanding secure, scalable, and regulatory-compliant solutions, Pragma Edge offers a platform to reduce risk, enhance order flow, and access real-time intelligence through API-first technology.

Automotive Industry


Discover how Pragma Edge solutions revolutionize automotive supply chains, ensuring seamless operations and round-the-clock adherence to service level agreements (SLAs) by suppliers.


Pragma Edge empowers distributors with advanced analytics, automation, and digital tech, optimizing operations, streamlining supply chains, and enhancing customer satisfaction. Real-time insights and innovative platforms enable adaptability, growth, and competitiveness in today’s market.

Tele Communications


Pragma Edge transforms telecommunications through advanced analytics, automation, and digital tech, optimizing operations, enhancing network performance, and improving customer experiences for competitive edge and growth.

Energy and Utilities

Energy and Utilities

Energy and utility companies can enhance connectivity by embracing API-driven services. Through API management platforms and B2B integration, they optimize operations, streamline communication, and facilitate data sharing, enabling greater efficiency and innovation in a modernized IT environment.

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Community manager solution extends IBM Sterling B2B Integrator to deliver next-generation B2B and File Transfer capabilities that meet the growing demands of the customer.

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FileGPS - End To End File Monitoring

Pragma Edge Jarvis Monitoring tool (Jarvis)

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To deliver next-generation B2B and File Transfer capabilities

Pragma Edge - API Connect

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard is the right solution
addressing the following business challenges

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard is the right solution
addressing the following business challenges

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard is the right solution
addressing the following business challenges

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On April 21 2021, 11 AM CT