
Frequently asked Questions

The following IBM Datapower frequently asked questions and answers provide you with general and frequently used or required installation, configuration, and replication-related information.

IBM Datapower

IBM DataPower – Secure, Integrate, and optimize access across channels with purpose-built gateways to secure the services within the enterprise. Deliver a single multi-channel gateway platform to secure, integrate, control, and optimize the delivery of workloads across multiple channels, including Mobile, API, Web, SOA, B2B, and Cloud. We integrate Gateway solutions seamlessly into the existing heterogeneous environment, increasing interoperability & promoting reuse.

Read the following IBM Datapower frequently asked questions and answers.

To create a cluster of hosts for each API Connect subsystem, use apicup to create a subsystem with all the required parameters, and to add as many hosts as needed to the configuration file. The configuration file is a .yml file in the project directory.

For each host of a subsystem added in the .yml file, a separate ISO file is created for the cluster member VM. Note that the ISO files for each VM must stay attached during the whole lifetime of the VM.

In an API Connect cluster in a VMware environment, the first three nodes are master nodes. Additional nodes are worker nodes.

IBM® DataPower Gateway is a single multichannel gateway that helps provide security, control, integration, and optimized access to a full range of mobile, web, application programming interface (API), service-oriented architecture (SOA), B2B, and cloud workloads.

IBM DataPower Gateway is available in the physical, virtual, cloud, Linux, and Docker form factors.

The DataPower Gateway provides the following approaches to manage its configuration.

  • Import and export
  • Secure backup and restore
  • Saving files as source and using include configuration files with customization scripts

Secure backup and restore is available on physical appliances, DataPower Gateway for Linux, and DataPower Gateway for VMware but only when it is enabled. Secure backup is especially useful on physical appliances because it provides a way to clone an appliance. On other platforms, you can use the platform tools that provide the same function.

  • For DataPower Gateway for VMware, hypervisor tools are well suited to this task.
  • For DataPower Gateway for Linux, you can manage configuration by backing up and restoring DataPower files.
  • For DataPower Gateway for Docker, secure backup and restore is unavailable because it runs contrary to Docker-friendly SDLC.
  • In the search field, enter file management.
  • From the search results, click File Management.
  • Locate the directory where you want to copy the file.
  • Click Actions aligned with the directory.
  • Click Upload Files.
  • Define a file to copy to the DataPower Gateway.
  • Click Browse to locate the file on the workstation.
  • Optional: In the Save as a field, modify the file name.
  • Click Add.
  • To copy additional files, repeat the previous step.
  • If one of the files exists in the selected directory and you want to overwrite this file, select Overwrite Existing Files check box. If you do not select this check box and the file exists, the file is not copied.
  • Click Upload.
  • After reporting success or failure, click Continue.
  • In the search field, enter statistics.
  • From the search results, click Statistics Settings.
  • Set Administrative state to enabled.
  • Click Apply to save changes to the running configuration.
  • Enterprise-grade security with the highest level of assurance certification to protect your critical business applications.
  • A single, drop-in gateway helps simplify the topology and operations, resulting in cost savings and reduced risk.
  • High-speed message transformation and transport protocol bridging help deploy new services rapidly.
  • Speed problem determination with near-real-time visibility of transactions through centralized operations.


cloud-gateway name

no cloud-gateway name



Specifies the name of the configuration.

The name cannot be a single period or two consecutive periods. The name can contain a maximum of 128 alphanumeric characters and the following special characters:. – _

You can use the URL builders from the GUI to construct protocol-specific URLs.

To use a URL builder, click the protocol-specific button during service development. The GUI provides URL builders for the specific protocols.

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