
Frequently asked Questions

The following IBM ODM frequently asked questions and answers provide you with general and frequently used or required installation, configuration, and replication-related information.

IBM Operational Decision Manager

Operational Decision Manager on Cloud includes components from Operational Decision Manager, which delivers a proven development system for capturing policies in solutions that automate the application of decisions.

Read the following IBM ODM frequently asked questions and answers.

The operational Decision Manager supports different possible configurations and execution environments. The installation process is a combination of laying down files on your computer and going on to configuring the system for your specific needs.

To use the Rule Execution Server or Decision Center on any instance of an application server other than the Samples Server, you must deploy and configure the provided archives.

You deploy and configure the provided archives for the supported application servers in order to test and execute your rule applications in the environment that you use in production. You must first install the required products to get the necessary archives.


To import the projects for the Decision Center tutorials:

  • In Rule Designer click File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace, and click Next.
  • Click Select root directory, browse to <InstallDir>/studio/tutorials/shared, and click OK.
  • Select the projects and click Finish.
  • Then publish them to Decision Center.

You can migrate applications from previous versions of Operational Decision Manager, as well as applications developed in WebSphere® Operational Decision Management, JRules, and Rules for COBOL.

Decision Server Events provides a way to orchestrate and manage business events, and real-time integration between disparate business systems, as well as business process monitoring in real-time.

To implement a decision management solution, you need to understand the different pattern configurations, including the pattern types and the artifacts that are available.

Pattern types

IBM Operational Decision Manager Pattern (IBM ODM Pattern) V8.9.2 supports different pattern types to meet your business requirements. A pattern type is a collection of plug-ins that are packaged in a .tgz file. The plug-ins define artifacts. 

Your organization gets started on IBM® Operational Decision Manager on Cloud by creating and defining user accounts.

IBM ODM on Cloud applies user roles to control access to work environments. The following activities get you started on IBM ODM on Cloud:

  • The account administrator receives an email invitation from the IBM ODM on Cloud portal administrator. The invitation includes a link to activate a user account that has the administrator role.
  • The account administrator invites new users.
  • The invited users activate their accounts by using links in the email invitations from the account administrator.
  • The account administrator configures the access and permissions for the new users, including the rule developers who set up the authoring environment and create applications. The account administrator also creates service credentials for client applications.
  • The rule developers prepare the development environment and begin developing applications.

The Decision Center REST API provides you with four endpoints to handle webhooks:

  • PUT /webhook/notify to define one or more URLs where notifications are sent and optionally provide an authentication token.
  • GET /webhooks/notify to see the list of URLs getting notifications from this instance of Decision Center.
  • DELETE /webhooks/{webhookId}/notify to delete a webhook.

POST /webhooks/{webhookId}/notify to update an existing webhook.

Ongoing development ensures that Operational Decision Manager on Cloud continues to meet your needs for creating and implementing business rule applications.

To update the Operational Decision Manager from Vn to Vn+1 while keeping your existing system running, you can update the system gradually, component by component. This process is known as a rolling update.

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