
Frequently asked Questions

The following IBM Sterling Data Exchange frequently asked questions and answers provide you with general and frequently used or required installation, configuration, and replication-related information.

IBM Sterling Data Exchange

IBM Sterling Data Exchange is a group of offerings built to improve the exchange of data with customers and suppliers, revolving around managed file transfer (MFT) and B2B integration. IBM Sterling Secure File Transfer is the marketing-lead transfer platform entrusted by 80 of the top 100 global banks.

Read the following IBM Sterling Data Exchange frequently asked questions and answers.

Data exchange is the process of taking data structured under a source schema and transforming it into a target schema, so that the target data is an accurate representation of the source data. Data exchange allows data to be shared between different computer programs

Data exchange is the transfer of data and large files between organizations and systems. The data is transmitted so that the information and the meaning attached to it are not altered. It is the transformation of data to suit the new system.

Three of the basic data exchange mechanisms listed above, file transfer, direct database connection and remote procedure calls have traditionally been used to allow dissimilar applications and systems to communicate and exchange data.

XML. XML is a widely used format for data exchange because it gives good opportunities to keep the structure in the data and the way files are built on, and allows developers to write parts of the documentation in with the data without interfering with the reading of them.

XML will improve the efficiency of data exchange in several important ways, which include: write once and format many times: Once an XML file is created it can be presented in multiple ways by applying different XML stylesheets. For instance, the information might be displayed on a web page or printed in a book.

EDI is an advanced technology that allows businesses to automate order processing and document exchange between computer applications. XML is emerging as a superior standard that seeks to simplify how businesses conduct internet-based e-commerce transactions between electronic devices.

Standardized data is more meaningful, more comparable, and easier to exchange and store. The benefits of data standardization are:

  • Improved data quality;
  • Increased data compatibility; 
  • Improved consistency and efficiency of data collection; 
  • Reduced data redundancy; and 
  • Improved data access.

IBM Sterling Data Exchange is a portfolio of the latest reliable B2B data exchange solutions built for demanding workloads and developed by IBM experts with decades of deep domain expertise.

  • B2B Gateway
  • Digital Supply chain network
  • Managed File Transfer
  • Expanded visibility and Security
  • Onboard and Manage Trading Partners
  • Data Transformation

Metadata applications: XML makes it easier to express metadata in a portable, reusable format. Pervasive computing: XML provides portable and structured information types for display on pervasive (wireless) computing devices such as personal digital assistants (PDAs), cellular phones, and others.

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