Software as a Services

SaaS & Cloud Technology

way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service

OUR SaaS & Cloud Technology Services

Thinking locally, acting globally

Pragma Edge is a full-service cloud solutions company that offers digital transformation and start-up consultation along with enterprise IT services.
With a tool of this caliber, overcoming obscure data queries or complex analytical problems becomes much less daunting as pragma edge does exactly what it’s designed for – deliver insights – without breaking a sweat. This means that complex queries or deep-rooted business questions no longer need to stump you anymore!

Time and money saving measures

It takes a lot of time and money to achieve long-term insights and those are the key areas that pragma edge excels in. Now when solving this problem is just an analytical away, you have better ways to use these resources elsewhere and make the right decisions quicker than before by understanding in depth patterns of change in the market.

Pragma Edge Advanced Data Capture provides the capability to convert FAX, PDF documents into digital formate such as EDI, EDIFACT, XML, Flatfiles.

Advanced Data Capture supports scanners, fax and digital files pdf, images from application and mobile devices.

Planning to begin with or to expand your B2B-MFT journey? PragmaEdge has the essential experience, talent, and tools to help your company achieve its goals.

Data Processing is the task of converting data from a given form to a much more usable and desired form i.e. making it more meaningful and informative. Using Machine Learning algorithms, mathematical modeling, and statistical knowledge, this entire process can be automated.

Pragma Edge IANN FileGPS help End-to-End monitoring tracking files, integration points, applications and API calls. Delivering End-to-End Monitoring across any applications, tie SLA and set scenario based alerts. Pragma Edge SaaS IANN FileGPS provides enterprise-wide file/transaction monitoring capabilities, tracks SLA, and provides alerts on events or non-events.

IANN Monitor Monitoring tool  provides an integrated monitoring and altering capabilities for IBM Sterling B2B Integrator/IBM Sterling File Gateway platforms. IANN Monitor check and alerts on

System Health.
Application Health.
Application logs.
Cloud logs.

Our Cloud Services

Whether your organization is just beginning with the B2B integration and/or MFT journey or wishes to expand and optimize its long-established capabilities, Pragma Edge has the essential experience, talent, and tools to help your company achieve its goals.

Migrating to the cloud is important – but doing it fast and doing it right is the key. Migrate to the cloud with confidence. Pragma Edge’s Cloud Migration service is the answer for organizations that want to migrate applications, systems, and storage to a cloud environment for scalability improved productivity and lowered capital and operating costs. Reduce IT costs and make your business more agile now with Pragma Edge.

Pragma Edge’s vision for software as a service has lead to the acquisition of technology assets that enable us to provide efficient cloud service to our customers. Our combined knowledge of technology, business domain, and customized delivery model makes Pragma cloud a pragmatic choice. Click to know more about the Smart Cloud service we offer.

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FileGPS - End To End File Monitoring

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Community manager solution extends IBM Sterling B2B Integrator to deliver next-generation B2B and File Transfer capabilities that meet the growing demands of the customer.

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FileGPS - End To End File Monitoring

Pragma Edge Jarvis Monitoring tool (Jarvis)

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Community Manager - PCM

Community Manager - PCM

To deliver next-generation B2B and File Transfer capabilities

Pragma Edge - API Connect

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard is the right solution
addressing the following business challenges

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard is the right solution
addressing the following business challenges

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard is the right solution
addressing the following business challenges

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On April 21 2021, 11 AM CT