Frequently asked Questions
The following IBM Sterling Business Transaction Intelligence frequently asked questions and answers provide you with general and frequently used or required installation, configuration, and replication-related information.
IBM Sterling Business Transaction Intelligence - BTI
IBM Sterling Business Transaction Intelligence Multi-Enterprise Edition removes transaction blind spots between partners with multi-enterprise shared visibility from the order through delivery. This solution allows you and your trading partners to have a single version of the truth with a secure, immutable IBM Blockchain relationship that deepens trust and transparency.
Read the following IBM Sterling Business Transaction Intelligence frequently asked questions and answers.
BTI supports various EDI X12 document types starting with X12 version 3010 and EDIFACT version 1992 Release 1 (921).
X12 documents:
- 214 – Electronic proof of delivery
- 315 – Load status update (ocean)
- 810 – Invoice
- 820 – Payment notification
- 824 – Application advice
- 850 – Purchase order
- 855 – Acknowledgment
- 856 – Advanced ship notice
- 860 – Purchase order change
- 865 – Purchase order change acknowledgment
- 875 – Grocery products purchase order
- 876 – Grocery products purchase order change
- 880 – Grocery products invoice
- 997 – Acknowledgment of receipt
EDIFACT documents:
BTI is accessed from Customer Center. Log in to Customer Center and click BTI Basic from the side menu.
To ensure that the times displayed across all of your SCBN offerings are aligned, the time zone you select is automatically applied to all offerings.
You can easily change your time zone by logging into SCBN Hub and going to My Account > Display Settings. This will update your time zone in BTI as well as InFlight.
If you access BTI through SCBN, you can change the time zone by going to Settings > My account within the side menu. Then, click the edit icon next to the Time zone field to make changes. Any updates you make will apply to SCBN and all of your applications.
Customize BTI by using the Document configuration tool to adjust how the data in your documents are mapped to the fields in the UI. Company administrators can upload sample documents as a model and configure the way that each field is displayed in the UI. This allows company administrators to make adjustments to how data is displayed to facilitate trading partner nuances in the data.
To ensure continued security and performance, BTI (BTI Basic) is on a more advanced platform. Data in production is not affected. Data in BTI Basic (T) is moved to the same production system. New data processed after the move is in the production under the business view name with a suffix of _CTE.
Administrators who have users who access Basic (T) need to take action to grant access to the new business view.
Complex flows are transaction flows that don’t follow a straightforward order-to-cash path where a business process starts from one milestone and goes through the rest without any bumps or detours.
In general, complex flows may include rejections, cancellations, incomplete milestones, missing milestones, milestones associated with multiple other milestones, and so on. So really, most of your transaction flows will probably be complex flows
To finish verifying your data, check that your documents are correlating together into transaction flows.
You can use BTI to
- View high-level operational information on the dashboard about your supply chain transactions.
- Visually represent complex supply chain flows containing hundreds of transactions into a single, business context and transaction flow.
- Search for information with natural language.
- Review EDI data that is visually represented for non-technical users.
- Set up user accounts and assign business views quickly.
- Plan and improve supply chain activities.
BTI offers visibility of your company’s data from SCBN. Trading partners do not have access to your BTI environment. If your trading partners are IBM customers, they might have BTI for their view of their respective inbound and outbound data. The BTI dashboard provides an overall view of your processed document counts and top trading partners for the most recent week, or any date range you specify.
Key identifiers include PO numbers, bills of lading, manifests, shipment numbers, invoices, and PRO numbers.
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