Build predictive models with prebuilt templates

IBM Maximo Predict

Identify and manage asset reliability risks that could adversely affect plant or business operations by using AI models to predict future failures.

IBM Maximo Predict

IBM Maximo Predict, part of the IBM Maximo Application Suite, focuses on the needs of maintenance managers and reliability engineers to identify potential failures and optimize production output. It looks for patterns in asset data, how the asset is being used, and the environment in which it is operating.

The world is more connected than ever before. Using Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and other technologies, engineers in asset-intensive industries are collecting large amounts of data from their equipment. Yet many engineers struggle to draw insights from this data. They struggle to understand data patterns and the causal relationships that can help them extend asset life, reduce unplanned downtime, and reduce maintenance costs. It’s as if their equipment is speaking on mute. Their equipment has so much to say but they simply can’t hear it.

Based on manufacturer guidance you may have a rough estimate about how long your assets and equipment will last. How confident are you in this estimate? There are many factors that contribute to equipment condition, from age to operating environment, to past maintenance schedules, and even quality of repair. The problem? The lifecycle of equipment can vary dramatically based on these factors yet you won’t know how much until it’s too late, and the equipment is down and impacting key performance indicators.

Key Features include:

Data-driven insights

Build on the insights gained from Maximo Monitor, Maximo Visual Inspection and Maximo Health and apply predictive analytics to your maintenance strategy.

Create health scores with output from predictive models

Score asset data and incorporate model output to enhance health scores.

Prebuilt widgets

View output from models built with the provided templates in charts, graphs and tables specifically designed to quickly and easily identify issues.

Build predictive models with provided templates or from scratch

Get a head-start building predictive models using templates provided with Maximo Predict, or build custom models using IBM Watson Studio as part of the Maximo Application Suite.

Asset timeline

Review predicted failures, past failures, planned maintenance and other key pieces of asset information on a single graph to quickly make decisions about maintenance.


Operational Decision Manager combines decision making and change detection tools to provide a business rule management system that is easy to evolve, trace, audit, and test.
Operational Decision Manager automates the implementation of business policies of your organization by using Decision Center and Decision Server. ODM for developers deploys these applications in a single container, which can be used for in-house or web-based purposes.

IBM ODM is an implementation of a Business Rule Management System. It allows the creation, management, testing and governance of business rules and events and stores them in a central repository where they can be accessed by multiple individuals and software products.

With Decision Center, business users can manage decisions that are directly based on organizational knowledge and best practices, with limited dependence on the IT department. Decision Center includes a rule repository and collaborative web consoles for business users to author, manage, validate, and deploy rules
You install Operational Decision Manager by using the IBM Installation Manager tool. The Installation Manager wizards take you through the required steps for your installation. Download and install updates, such as interim fixes or fix packs, for Operational Decision Manager from IBM Fix Central.
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IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard

IBM Partner Engagement Manager Standard is the right solution
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