What's new in Maximo Health, Safety and Environment 9.0

Emission Management

  • On the Incident events page, record details of fugitive environmental emissions that are associated with an event to track the operational response to the incident and record fugitive emission data for operational reporting.
  • On the Meters page, record details of continuous environmental emissions that are associated with a location to monitor the environmental profile of the location and record continuous emission data for operational reporting.

    The meter readings are recorded directly in the Enter Meter Readings section and the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) amount is added in the View continuous emissions section.

  • In the View emissions section, view a profile of continuous emissions and fugitive emissions at a location to identify locations that have high impact profiles.

    You can alternatively use a characteristic meter to identify a fugitive emission. However, the View continuous emissions action is more about continuous emissions.

  • On the Emission management page, manage emissions by using an operational dashboard to track emissions data, manage major emission incidents, and plan corrective actions

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