Sterling File Gateway Tutorial

To learn how Sterling File Gateway works from end to end, perform the following procedure using sample files that you create to use with the tutorial.

Only the high-level tasks are listed here. For specific instructions for each step, see the topics in the appropriate persona library. Use the following log on information for users that are automatically installed with Sterling File Gateway:
User ID
System Administratorfg_sysadminpassword
Integration Architectfg_architectpassword
Route Provisionerfg_provisionerpassword
  1. Log in to Sterling File Gateway as fg_sysadmin.
  2. Configure an FTP Server adapter.
    See Prepare Communication Adapters.
  3. Log out.
  4. Log in as fg_architect.
  5. From the main menu, select Participants > Communities to create a community with the following values:
    Community NameFirstComm
    Partner Initiates Protocol ConnectionX
    Partner Listens for Protocol ConnectionsX
    FTP or FTPSX
    Should Receive NotificationYes
    See Create a Community.
  6. Select Participants > Groups to create a group named Group1.
    See Create a Group.
  7. Log out of Sterling File Gateway.
  8. Log in as fg_provisioner.
  9. Create two partners with the following values:
    Value For First Partner
    Value For Second Partner
    Partner NamePartner1Partner2
    User Namepartner1partner2
    Given Namepartnerpartner
    Partner RoleIs a consumer of data
    • Initiates a connection
    Is a producer of data
    Use SSHNoNo
    PGP Settings
    • No
    • No
    • No
    • No
    See Create a Partner.
  10. Associate the partners with Group1. Select Participants > Groups > Add Partner. Select the partners and the group, and click Execute.
    See Add Partners to Groups.
  11. Log out.
  12. Log in as fg_architect.
  13. Select Routes > Templates > Create to create a routing channel template with the following values:
    Template NameFirstStatic
    In the Type tab 
    In the Special Characters tab 
    Special CharactersNone
    In the Groups tab 
    Producer GroupGroup1
    Consumer GroupGroup1
    In the Provisioning Facts tab 
    Fact NamemyUserId
    Display LabelUser ID
    DescriptionThe user ID to send it to
    In the Producer tab 
    Producer Mailbox Path 
    Producer File StructureClick Add
    Producer File TypeText
    File name pattern as regular expression.+
    File name pattern group fact names, comma delimited(leave blank)
    In the Consumer tab 
    Delivery Channel DescriptionClick Add
    Pattern for Consumer Mailbox Path 
    If checked, mailboxes matching this pattern may be created on demandCheck the box
    Consumer File StructuresClick Add
    Consumer File TypeText
    Consumer file name format 
    See Create a Routing Channel Template.
  14. Log out.
  15. Log in as fg_provisioner.
  16. Create a routing channel with the following values:
    Routing Channel TemplateFirstStatic
    User IDUser1
    See Create a Routing Channel.
  17. Log out.
  18. Log in to myFileGateway as Partner2.
  19. Upload a file to the / mailbox.
    See Send a File from myFileGateway.
  20. Log out.
  21. Log in to Sterling File Gateway as fg_operator.
  22. Search for the file you uploaded.
    See Search for a File.
  23. Click on the arrived file and observe the details about the events, the routing channel, and the routing channel template.
  24. Log out.
  25. Log in to myFileGateway as Partner1.
  26. Download a file.
    See Retrieve a File from myFileGateway.
  27. Log out.
  28. Log in to Sterling File Gateway as fg_operator.
  29. Search for the file you downloaded.
  30. Click on the arrived file and observe the details about the events, the routing channel, and the routing channel template.
  31. Replay the route.
    See Replay From the Beginning of a Transfer.

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