What's new in Maximo Visual Inspection Edge9.0

Alert message templates

Administrators can create multiple alert message templates that define the structure and format of the MQTT and Twilio alert messages that are sent from edge devices.
Users can then select an alert message template from a list of templates when they create a Twilio or MQTT message in an inspection configuration.

Automatic refresh

Select an interval time from the Refresh list on the menu bar to automatically refresh the following information:
  • Dashboard
  • Stations
  • Models
  • Input sources
  • Images in an inspection configuration

Data retention policy

A default data retention policy is created during installation to purge inspection data at scheduled times. You can update the default data retention policy to determine how often inspection data is automatically purged from the system.

Data transfer policy

When inspection images are not successfully transferred to Maximo Visual Inspection, they are tagged. The data retention policy does not purge images that are tagged.

A default data transfer policy is created during installation to transfer tagged inspection images to Maximo Visual Inspection at scheduled times. When the inspection images are transferred, the tags are removed, and the images can be purged.

You can update the default data transfer policy to determine how often tagged inspection images are transferred to Maximo Visual Inspection.

Faster alert messages to Maximo Monitor

In version 9.0, when an inspection in Maximo Visual Inspection Edge is linked to a device type in Maximo Monitor, MQTT alert messages generated during the inspection are transmitted to Maximo Monitor using v2 APIs. This implementation ensures that alert messages appear more swiftly within Maximo Monitor, enhancing responsiveness and integration efficiency between the two systems.

Support for GigE Vision cameras

GigE Vision is an interface standard designed for high-performance cameras. You can integrate a Basler camera that complies with the GigE Vision interface standard as an input source for conducting inspections.
This allows for seamless integration of Basler cameras into your inspection processes, leveraging their capabilities within the system

Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Maximo Visual Inspection Edge can now run on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 8.

When Maximo Visual Inspection Edge runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, Podman is used to run containers instead of Docker. For more information about installation requirements, see the Planning and Installing Podman topics.

Privacy in image results

When selected objects of interest meet the minimum confidence score, privacy filters blur or darken the selected objects or their backgrounds in images results. You can set a filter to blur or darken at an intensity of 1–10.

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