How can a Sterling B2B Integrator Business Process be created to use the IBM Transformation Extender Advanced speimport utility?


How can a Sterling B2B Integrator Business Process be created to use the IBM Transformation Extender Advanced speimport utility?


The|bat utility which is used to import IBM Transformation Extender Advanced (ITXA) resources (maps, envelopes, schemas, etc) is typically invoked from the command line. This utility can also be incorporated into a Sterling B2B Integrator (SI) Business Process. To accomplish this using a UNIX operating system, as an example, take the following steps:
1) Create a script, for example,, that has content similar to the following. Note paths used with the scripts are for example purposes only:

# Setting ITXA environment

. ./



# Running a custom script

${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java  -Dvendor=shell -DvendorFile=${VENDOR_FILE} ${DBPROPS} quiet import="/myITXAproject/data/importfiles/envelopes" refId=${REF_ID}
In this script you will have to:
2) Once the script is created the next step is to create a business process (BP), using the Command Line Adapter to invoke the script. An example BP is shown below:
					<process name="BP_calling_speimport">
<operation name="RunScript">
<participant name="CLA2_calling_speimport" />
<output message="xout">
<assign to="remoteName">localhost</assign>
<assign to="cmdLine"></assign>
<assign to="workingDir">/opt/ibm/StandardsProcessingEngine9.0.0/bin</assign>
<assign to="waitOnProcess">true</assign>
<assign to="setSoTimeOut">12000</assign>
<assign to="." from="*" />
<input message="xin">
<assign to="." from="*" />
This BP / script will generate a Null Pointer Exception error. To eliminate this error take the following steps:
					1. Append the following entry to the <si_install_dir/properties/ file: log=&LOG_DIR;/noapp.log
2.Run the SI utility
3. Stop SI
4. Start SI and test the BP


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On April 21 2021, 11 AM CT