Sterling B2B Integrator - Dashboard panes

A pane is a page in a dashboard like a page in a photo album that has pictures on it, along with a name tab attached identifying the category of pictures. In the dashboard interface, the pictures are the portlets that provide the information you need.

Panes are generally composed of portlets displaying information related to a theme, such as system monitoring.

For example, the preconfigured Operator pane provides a graphic overview of system database and cache usage, a link to search for business processes (to monitor them) and event log viewers. You might want a pane that shows only logs and has a more specific name, such as “Log Viewer.”

You can even use a pane to show activity related to another copy of Sterling Integrator through the copy you are working in.

In addition to adding and removing panes, pane management may include rearranging your dashboard display to most prominently display the information most important to you. For instance, you can make any pane your home pane, or place monitors showing trading partner activity at the top of your home pane.

Available Panes

There are four panes in Sterling B2B Integrator: Admin Console, Operator, Advanced File Transfer, and Customize.

The following table describes the panes available in Sterling B2B Integrator:

Admin ConsoleThe Administration Management console is your access to the standard Sterling B2B Integrator features you require to complete your job.

The pane displays system alerts, system news and access to the Graphical Process Modeler (business process creation tool), as well as the Administration Menu for access to business process, services, operations, user account management and other tools you use regularly.

The menu items that display may be limited depending on the user account permissions set for you by your system administrator. The pane is comprised of a single portlet.

OperatorThe Sterling B2B Integrator administrator has this pane by default. Click the Operator tab to display this pane. Contains portlets relating information for:
  • Real-time system activities
  • Real-time log files entries
  • Database usage
  • Memory or disk cache usage
  • Searching for a business process
Advanced File TransferAn AFT Suite only pane.Click the Advanced File Transfer tab to display this pane.This pane is your access to the AFT Suite features in Sterling B2B Integrator, where you can create and manage AFT communities and monitor routing activities. The pane has a menu on the left providing access to the related features. The pane is comprised of a single portlet.
CustomizeAll users can access this pane. Click the Manage Layout link to display the Customize pane.The Customize pane enables you to add portlets and panes to your dashboard, and edit the properties of the panes.

Add Panes

You can add new panes in the Customize pane page.

To add a pane to a dashboard:
  1. From the dashboard page, click Manage Layout.
  2. In the Customize pane page, click Add Pane.
  3. In the Customize pane page, type the name of the pane you are adding, and click Apply.
    The system adds the new pane to the list.
  4. Click Save and Apply to save the pane to the dashboard.
    You can now add portlets to the new pane and arrange the order of the pane’s tab in the dashboard display.

Delete Panes

You can delete panes as they become obsolete or as you consolidate portlets from different panes onto one pane.

You may need to delete panes for various reasons:
  • Panes may become obsolete
  • You need to consolidate portlets from different panes onto one pane.
To delete a pane from a dashboard:
  1. From the dashboard page, click Manage Layout.
  2. In the Customize pane page, in the listed panes area, click the X to the left of the pane name you want to delete.
    The Customize pane page refreshes and the pane is removed from the list.
  3. Click Save and Apply to completely remove the pane from the dashboard.

Edit Pane Name and Description

You can edit the name and description of a pane in the Customize pane page.

To change the name and description of a pane:
  1. From the dashboard page, click Manage Layout.
  2. In the Customize pane page, in the listed panes area, click the name of the pane you want to change the name of.
  3. In the Customize pane page, click Edit Properties.
  4. In the Title field, make any changes to the pane name.
  5. In the Description field, make any changes to the pane description.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click Save and Apply to apply changes to the pane.

Change Pane Column Layout

You can modify the arrangement of portlets on a pane to display in a single column or in a three-column configuration.

To change the pane layout:
  1. From the dashboard page, click Manage Layout.
  2. In the Customize pane page, in the listed panes area, click the name of the pane you want to change the layout of.
  3. In the Customize pane page, from the Layout list, select one of the following layouts:
    • One column – All portlets line up vertically one under the other to fill the width of the pane.
    • Three Columns (25/50/25) – Portlets line up horizontally in three columns, with the first column occupying 25 percent of the page width, and the second and third columns occupying 50 percent and 25 percent of the page width respectively.
    • Three Columns (33/33/33) – Portlets line up horizontally in three columns, with each column occupying 33 percent of the page width.
      Note: Some panes have a default two-column layout. If you change a two-column pane to have a single- or triple-column layout, you can not revert to the two-column format.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click Save and Apply to apply changes to the pane.

Arrange Portlets on Panes

You can change the display of the pane with regard to where individual portlets are arranged on the pane.

To move a portlet on the pane:
  1. From the dashboard page, click Manage Layout.
  2. In the Customize pane page, in the listed panes area, click the name of the pane you want to move a portlet on.
  3. In the pane layout page, click the following arrows to move portlets on the pane:
    • Right arrow to move a portlet to the right.
    • Left arrow to move a portlet to the left.
    • Up arrow to move the portlet up.
    • Down arrow to move the portlet down.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click Save and Apply to save changes to the pane.

Change Pane Color Schemes

Through the Customize pane page, you can change the pane color schemes.

To change the color scheme:
  1. From any pane in your dashboard, click Manage Layout.
  2. In the Customize pane page, in the listed panes area, from the Skin list, select the color scheme to use for the dashboard:
    • Default – Blue banners and borders
    • Silver – Silver banners and borders
  3. Click Save and Apply to save changes to the pane.

Arrange the Tab Order of Panes

You can rearrange the tab order of panes to highlight more prominent tabs in the display and designating which pane is your home pane.

When you add a pane to the dashboard interface, Sterling B2B Integrator adds the pane at the end of the list of existing panes, so that the tab for that pane displays at the end of the row of tabs (on the right side) in the dashboard display.
You may want to rearrange the order of the tabs to make specific tabs more prominent in the display, such as making the tab for the pane you want as your home pane be first in the list (the first pane in the list will be your home page, the page that displays by default when you log in).
  1. From the dashboard page, click Manage Layout.
  2. In the Customize pane page, in the Action column, next to the pane name you want to move, click the up or down arrows to change the pane’s location in the list.
  3. Click Save and Apply to apply changes to the dashboard.

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