Sterling B2B Integrator - Integrating with Sterling File Gateway

Sterling File Gateway enables secure file transfer between internal and external partners using the same or different communication protocols, file naming conventions, and file formats. Sterling File Gateway supports EBICS for movement of large and high-volume file transfers, with end-to-end visibility of file movement in a process-oriented and highly-scalable framework that alleviates file transfer challenges, such as protocol and file brokering, automation, and data security.

Files move between the EBICS server and Sterling File Gateway through shared mailboxes and partners. The Subscription Manager creates mailboxes in the structure of User/Partner/Inbox during partner creation.

Sterling File Gateway uses Provisioning Facts as part of the Routing Channel Template definition. Routing channel templates used in EBICS scenarios must include the configuration of provisioning facts. Routing channels using the templates must include the specification of values for provisioning facts.

For inbound scenarios, the EBICS Order Data Processor (ODP) takes an EBICS order file upload (FUL) from an EBICS client to an EBICS Server, unpacks the payload and deposits into a User/Partner/Inbox mailbox structure. Sterling File Gateway is configured to route from that mailbox for downstream processing and ultimate delivery to a consumer.

In the outbound scenario, Sterling File Gateway is configured to deposit a message in a consumer mailbox, which is routed and stored in User/Partner/Outbox. On an EBICS order file download (FDL) from an EBICS client to an EBICS Server, the EBICS Order Data Processor (ODP) packages the message and makes it available to the client.

Sterling File Gateway enables operators to search for transactions and view details of routes and deliveries.

Certain procedures are necessary to initiate integration with Sterling File Gateway. For more information about integrating with Sterling File Gateway, see Integration with EBICS Banking Server.

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Processing Order Data

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Server Concepts

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