Sterling B2B Integrator
V6.0.3 Certified Container eAssembly (CJ6MUML)

This topic lists the components that are available for download for Sterling B2B Integrator on the Passport Advantage and Fix Central websites.

Downloading from Passport Advantage and Fix Central

You can download the software for the Version, Release, Modification, and FixPack releases of Sterling B2B Integrator and its components from the Passport Advantage website. You can download the Mod releases and Fix Pack releases from the Fix Central website.

Part numbers

You can use the part numbers to search the Sterling B2B Integrator product and download it along with its components. The following tables list the components and their part numbers.

Table 6. Part numbers for Sterling B2B Integrator V6.0.3 Certified Container eAssembly (CJ6MUML)

Package / Component
Part Number
IBM Sterling B2B Integrator V6.0.3 Certified Container eAssembly CJ6MUML
IBM Sterling B2B Integrator V6.0.3 Multiplatform Multilingual Certified Container CC4P5ML
IBM Sterling External Authentication Server V2.4.3 for AIX English CN97JEN
IBM Sterling External Authentication Server V2.4.3 for Linux English CN97MEN
IBM Sterling External Authentication Server V2.4.3 for Windows English CN97NEN
IBM Sterling External Authentication Server V2.4.3 for Linux on System z CN97PEN
IBM Sterling Standards for EDI V12.3 for Windows English CNFG4EN
IBM Sterling B2B Integrator V6.0.3 Financial Standards Bundle CC4NVML
IBM Sterling B2B Integrator V6.0.3 Standards Bundle (Map Editor & Extended Mapping Standards) CC4NWML

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On April 21 2021, 11 AM CT