Sterling B2B Integrator - Submitting Orders

Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client Users can submit orders using the Order submission function in the User Menu.

If the order that is submitted requires signatories to sign the order, then a pending task is created for the signatory. After the required number of signatures are obtained for the order, the order is submitted to the bank. The Order Submission page helps you to configure order settings and submit an order.
  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the User Menu, select Order submission. Specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table and click Next.
    Partner nameRequired. Select a partner name from the drop-down list.
    Bank ID(Host ID)Required. Select a bank ID associated with the partner from the drop-down list.
    Bank URLRequired. Select the required bank URL from the drop-down list. The selected URL is used to establish an HTTP or HTTPS session with the EBICS Banking Server.
    Order type filterRequired. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate order type:
    • Key management orders.
    • Bank technical orders.
    • VEU management orders.
    • Other order types.
    Order typeRequired. From the drop-down list, select the required order type.

    Order types are assigned to the offer and are represented by a 3-digit alphanumeric code that identifies the type of the order.

    Order types are displayed based on the user permission configured for the EBICS Client user.
    Note: The fields that you see in the Order Type Configuration page varies based on the order type you selected from the Order type drop-down. Therefore, it is important that you select an appropriate order type. For example, if you select the order type as INI, then the fields specific to INI are displayed for configuring the order.
  3. If you selected Key management order type, then specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table and click Send.
    Order ID prefixOptional. From the drop-down list, select the order ID prefix. EBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

    This field is applicable to all the key management order types.

    Security mediumA 4-digit security number is displayed by default. The value cannot be changed for INI, HIA, and HPB order types.
    Product IDEnter the product ID for the EBICS Client application.
    Product languageEnter the language setting of the EBICS Client application that you are using. For example, enter EN if the language is set to English.
    Authentication private certificateRequired. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate authentication private certificate.
    Authentication public certificateRequired. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate authentication public certificate.
    Authentication key versionThe key version of the authentication certificate is displayed. Valid value is X002.
    Encryption private certificateRequired. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate encryption private certificate.
    Encryption public certificateRequired. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate encryption public certificate.
    Encryption key versionThe key version of the encryption certificate is displayed. Valid value is E002.
    Electronic signature private keyRequired. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate electronic signature private key.
    Electronic signature public keyRequired. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate electronic signature public key.
    Electronic signature key versionRequired. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate electronic signature key version.
  4. If you selected Bank-technical order type filter, then specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table and click Send.
    Order ID prefixOptional. From the drop-down list, select the order ID prefix. EBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).
    Security mediumRequired. Type a 4-digit security number in 0100 to 0499 range.
    Product IDEnter the product ID for the EBICS Client application.
    Product languageEnter the language setting of the EBICS Client application that you are using. For example, enter EN if the language is set to English.
    AutosubmitOptional. This check box is applicable only for FUL order type and is selected by default.

    If the autosubmit option is selected, then an order is automatically submitted after the required number of signatures are obtained.

    If the autosubmit option is not selected, then an EBICS Client user has to log in to the EBICS Client dashboard interface, navigate to the pending tasks screen, and submit the order after the required number of signatures are obtained.

    Read file from mailboxRequired. This option is applicable only for FUL order type.

    To upload the payload file from the mailbox, select Yes. Click Select file next to Upload file. From the Select file to upload to mailbox list, select the required file and click Finish.

    To upload the payload file from a file location, select No. Click Browse next to Upload file, navigate to the file location and select the required file.

    File formatRequired only for the FUL and FDL order types. From the drop-down list, select the appropriate file format.
    Start dateOptional. Click the field and select the start date from the calender. This option is applicable only for FDL order type.
    End dateOptional. Click the field and select the end date from the calender. This option is applicable only for FDL order type.
    Order parameter listOptional. Click Add parameter to define variables for an order. Complete the information pertaining to the following order parameter fields and click Add parameter. This option is applicable only for FDL order type.
    • Name: Required. Type a unique name of the parameter. Do not use any spaces or special characters in the parameter name.
    • Value: Required. Type a value of the parameter.
    • Type: Optional. Select the parameter type. The available choices are:
      • String
      • Number
      • Boolean
  5. If you selected VEU management orders order type filter, then specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table and click Send.
    Order ID prefixOptional. From the drop-down list, select the order ID prefix. EBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).
    Security mediumRequired. Type a 4-digit security number in 0100 to 0499 range.
    Product IDEnter the product ID for the EBICS Client application.
    Product languageEnter the language setting of the EBICS Client application that you are using. For example, enter EN if the language is set to English.
    VEU order typesRequired. Select the appropriate VEU order type from the VEU order types list.
    OrderIDRequired. Specify the ID of the order for which you are submitting the HVE or HVS order type.
    PartnerIDRequired. Specify the ID of the partner associated with the user who submitted the order for which you are submitting the HVE or HVS order type.
    Order typeRequired. Select the order type of the order for which you are submitting the HVE or HVS order type.
    MessageDigestOptional. Select MessageDigest to submit the hash value of the order data.
    Note: You can request for the hash value by calling or mailing the bank. The bank sends the hash value of the order data through an alternate mode of communication. For example, email.
    PayloadMsgIDOptional. Select PayloadMsgID to submit the complete payload from your mailbox. Perform the following actions:
    1. Click Select.
    2. Select the required payload from the list.
    3. Click Finish.
    Note: You can request for the payload by calling or mailing the bank. The bank sends the payload to your EBICS Client mailbox.
  6. If you selected Other order types order type filter, then specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table and click Send.
    Order ID prefixOptional. From the drop-down list, select the order ID prefix. EBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).
    Security mediumRequired. Type a 4-digit security number in 0100 to 0499 range.
    Product IDEnter the product ID for the EBICS Client application.
    Product languageEnter the language setting of the EBICS Client application that you are using. For example, enter EN if the language is set to English.

A technical user is a machine configured to submit orders on behalf of a non-technical (human user) EBICS Client user using a back-end file system. The technical user is associated with a non-technical user.

To submit an order using a technical user, you must configure:
  • User as a technical subscriber
  • File system adapter or a similar technical adapter

The scenario illustrates using a file system adapter configured on Sterling B2B Integrator.

A technical user submits the orders by placing a compressed file that contains an XML file, ordermetadata.xml and optionally the payload data in a collection folder specified when configuring a file system adapter.

The following diagram illustrates the process flow when a technical user submits orders. The backend process generates the ordermetadata.xml, packages the payload metadata in a compressed format and places it in a directory so that a technical adapter, such as the file system adapter can pick up the file and send it to EBICS Client for processing the data. The EBICS Client Runtime components include the User Mailbox, OrderPreProcessor, EBICS Client Mailbox, and EBICS Runtime. The OrderPreProcessor extracts the contents of the compressed file and transfers the XML metadata to the EBICS Client Mailbox that in turn sends it to the EBICS Runtime component for processing the metadata. The OrderPreProcessor component sends the payload data to the mailbox of the EBICS Client user. Based on the values specified in the XML, EBICS Client sends the order request to the banking server.

Figure 1. Process flow of order submission by a technical user
The backend process generates the ordermetadata.xml, packages the payload metadata in a compressed format and places it in a directory so that a technical adapter, such as the file system adapter can pick up the file and send it to EBICS Client for processing the data. The EBICS Client Runtime components include the User Mailbox, OrderPreProcessor, EBICS Client Mailbox, and EBICS Runtime. The OrderPreProcessor extracts the contents of the XML file and transfers the metadata to the EBICS Client Mailbox that in turn sends it to the EBICS Runtime component for processing the metadata. The OrderPreProcessor components sends the payload data to the mailbox of the EBICS Client user. Based on the values specified in the XML, EBICS Client sends the order request to the banking server.
If the order type is FUL, the ordermetadata.xml contains the following details:
details of the bank involved in the transaction
non-technical user who wants to submit the FUL order
technical user who is a delegate of the non-technical user
details of the partner associated with the user
details of the order type and file format
Custom attributes
In Sterling B2B Integrator V5.2.6.1_2 and later, users can add custom attributes before submitting an EBICS order. These attributes are saved in the ordermetadata.xml file and then displayed in the UI of the order. To define custom attributes, use the <ebicsUserAttribute> tag in the ordermetadata.xml file.
The following example details the format of an XML if you are submitting an FUL order as a technical user.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=''
<ebicsUserAttribute value="123456" name="totalamount"/>
<ebicsUserAttribute value="AAA" name="accountid"/>

If the order type is INI or HIA, the system ID and the user ID have the same value in the ordermetadata.xml file.

The following example illustrates the format of an XML if you are submitting an INI order as a technical user:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=''
If the file name of the payload has non-ASCII characters, then use the jar utility that comes with the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed with Sterling B2B Integrator to create a compressed file. You have to execute the jar utility from the command prompt in Windows or the terminal in UNIX with the following parameters: jar cFM <zip_fileName> ordermetadata.xml <payload_fileName with non-ASCII characters>.
Note: Java Home must be set to the JDK.

If the file name of the payload has only ASCII characters, then either the jar utility or any application such as WinZip or WinRAR can be used to create a compressed file.

You must configure a non-technical user before configuring a technical user to associate a technical user with a non-technical user.

To configure a non-technical user, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the Profile management menu, select User.
  3. In the User Configuration page, next to Configure existing user as EBICS user click GO.
  4. In the User Configuration page, specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table and click Next:
    User IDRequired. Unique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard. From the User ID drop-down list, select the user ID.
    User typeRequired. From the User type drop-down list, select EBICS client user as the role of the user.
    TimezoneOptional. Specify the time zone of the user.
    Technical userSelect this check box to configure a Technical user. A technical user is a file system configured to submit orders.
    Certificate typeRequired if you selected EBICS client user as the user type. Select X509 if you are using X.509 public key certificate to authorize the certificates. Select Keys if you are using RSA keys to authorize the certificates.
    Note: EBICS Client supports non-encrypted keys only.
  5. If you selected X509 as the certificate type, specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table in the Technical Information page and click Next:
    Authentication private certificateRequired. Select the private key the EBICS Client uses to create a digital signature for the user in the request sent to the bank. The bank must have the public part of the key to validate the authorization. The drop-down contains a list of certificates configured in the Sterling B2B Integrator system certificate store.
    Authentication public certificateRequired. Select the public key the user provides to the bank to validate the authorization of the user in the request from the EBICS Client. The trading partner or user shares the key with the bank. The key must be a public part of the Sterling B2B Integrator system certificate that is selected as the authentication private certificate.
    Authentication key versionThe key version of the authentication certificate is displayed. Valid value is X002.
    Encryption private certificateRequired. Select the private key the EBICS Client uses to decrypt the response received from the EBICS Banking Server. The drop-down contains a list of certificates configured in the Sterling B2B Integrator system certificate store.
    Encryption public certificateRequired. Select the public part of the Sterling B2B Integrator system certificate that is selected as the encryption private certificate. The trading partner or user shares the key with the bank.
    Encryption key versionThe key version of the encryption certificate is displayed. Valid value is E002.
    Use hardware key-store for Electronic signatureOptional. Select this option if you have an activated 3S Key token.
    Hardware key type3S Key is displayed as the Hardware key type. 3SKey is a SWIFT secure signature key used for digital identity. You must activate the 3SKey token and register the key with the bank to enable you to sign and send messages to the bank.
    Electronic signature private keyOptional. Select the private key of the Electronic Signature (ES) certificate if you are not using a hardware key for Electronic Signature.
    Electronic signature public keyRequired. Select the public key of the Electronic Signature (ES) certificate that is used to verify the signature of order data. The public key value of an electronic signature certificate should not be the same as an authentication or encryption certificate.
    Electronic signature key versionRequired if you are not using a hardware key store for electronic signature. Select the key version of the electronic signature certificate. Valid values are A005 and A006.

    If you are using a hardware key store for electronic signature, then the key version is set to A005 and it cannot be changed.

  6. If you selected Keys as the certificate type, specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table in the Technical Information page and click Next:
    Authentication private keyRequired. Click Browse to select the file with the private part of the authentication key from your computer.
    Authentication public keyRequired. Click Browse to select the file with the public part of the authentication key from your computer.
    Authentication key versionRequired. Select the key version of the authentication certificate. Valid value is X002.
    Encryption private keyRequired. Click Browse to select the file with the private part of the encryption key from your computer.
    Encryption public keyRequired. Click Browse to select the file with the public part of the encryption key from your computer.
    Encryption key versionRequired. Select the key version of the encryption certificate. Valid value is E002.
    Electronic signature private keyRequired. Click Browse to select the file with the private part of the Electronic signature key from your computer.
    Electronic signature public keyRequired. Click Browse to select the file with the public part of the Electronic signature key from your computer.
    Electronic signature key versionRequired. Select the key version of the Electronic signature certificate. Valid values are A005 and A006.
  7. This step is applicable only if you opted to add a new partner or edit an existing partner for a non-technical or human user.
    In the Associated Partners: User Settings page, specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table, and click Add partner.
    Partner nameRequired. From the Partner name drop-down list, select the partner to which a user is associated. A user can be associated with many partners.
    Note: Use the Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard to create trading partner entities.
    Upload mailbox path

    Required. Configure the upload mailbox and assign users to operate the mailbox in Sterling B2B Integrator.

    Specify the mailbox path for the uploaded messages. You must assign a mailbox path to store the unpacked messages from an EBICS request.
    If the mailbox (User ID, Partner name, Inbox), already exists in Sterling B2B Integrator and if you leave this field blank, an error message asking you to specify the default mailbox path is displayed.
    Note: Ensure that the mailbox path starts with a forward slash (/).
    Download mailbox path

    Required. Configure the download mailbox and assign users to operate the mailbox in Sterling B2B Integrator.

    Specify the mailbox path for the downloaded messages. You must assign a mailbox path to store the messages that are packaged as part of an EBICS response.
    If the mailbox (User ID, Partner name, Outbox) already exists in Sterling B2B Integrator, and if you leave this field blank, an error message asking you to specify the default mailbox path is displayed.
    Note: Ensure that the mailbox path starts with a forward slash (/).
  8. In the Associated Partners page, perform any of the following actions and click Next.
    • Click the add icon to associate a new partner with the Technical user.
    • Click the update icon next to the partner you want to edit.
    • Click the delete icon to disassociate a partner from the Technical user.
  9. A non-technical user delegates a technical user to perform the transactions. In the Associated Partners: User Settings page, specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table, and click Add partner.
    Partner nameRequired. From the Partner name drop-down list, select the partner to which a user is associated. A user can be associated with many partners. A technical user and a non-technical user must belong to the same partner. The technical user inherits all the permissions of the associated non-technical user.
    Note: Use the Sterling B2B Integrator dashboard to create trading partner entities.
    Delegate ofRequired. Select the user who will be delegating their tasks to the technical user.
  10. In the Associated Partners page, click Next.
  11. In the Confirm page, verify the user configuration settings, and click Finish. You can also click the Show All link next to Associate Partners to view the following details:
    • the list of partners associated with the user.
    • the corresponding configuration details, such as upload or download mailbox path for non-technical user.
    • the technical user that is a delegate of the non-technical user.

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