Sterling B2B Integrator - My Profile

The My Profile page helps you view the user settings. The settings differ based on the user type.

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the Administration Menu, Operator Menu, or User Menu, select My profile. The following tables list the settings displayed for different user types.
    Table 1. EBICS Client User
    User settings
    User IDThe user ID is displayed.
    User nameThe user name is displayed.
    User typeThe user type is displayed.
    TimezoneTimezone for the user is displayed.
    Technical userIndicates whether the user is a technical user or not. The values are:
    • True
    • False
    Certificate typeThe certificate type used by the user to authorize identification and authentication, encryption, and electronic signature certificates is displayed.
    Authentication private certificateThe authentication private certificate for the user is displayed.
    Authentication public certificateThe authentication public certificate for the user is displayed.
    Authentication key versionThe authentication key version is displayed.
    Encryption private certificateThe encryption private certificate for the user is displayed.
    Encryption public certificateThe encryption public certificate for the user is displayed.
    Encryption key versionThe encryption key version is displayed.
    Use hardware key-store for ESIndicates whether a hardware keystore is used for electronic signature (ES). The values are:
    • Yes
    • No
    Electronic signature private keyThe electronic signature private certificate for the user is displayed.
    Electronic signature public keyThe electronic signature public certificate for the user is displayed.
    Electronic signature key versionThe electronic signature key version is displayed.
    Associated partner(s)When you click the Show all link, the associated partners information in a tabular format is displayed. You can view the partner name, upload mailbox path, and download mailbox path.
    Associated partner(s) with BanksWhen you click the Show all link, the partners associated with the bank, the partner name, bank ID, and status are displayed. If an EBICS Client user is in Initialized or Ready state, then an INI or HIA letter can also be generated. If the EBICS Client user has permission to submit the SPR order type, then an icon to submit the SPR order type is displayed. Click the icon to suspend the current user at the bank.
    Table 2. EBICS Client Super Admin, EBICS Client Admin, or EBICS Client Operator
    User settings
    User IDThe user ID is displayed.
    User nameThe user name is displayed.
    User typeThe user type is displayed.
    TimezoneTimezone for the user is displayed.

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Client User

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Sterling B2B Integrator - Importing and Exporting EBICS Client Resources

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