Sterling B2B Integrator - Configure Order Type Manager

EBICS order types specify the various transactions that can take place between an EBICS Banking Server and an EBICS Client. Each order type is based on an XML schema and caters to different requirements.

Order types are represented by a three-figure alphanumeric code that identifies the type of the order.

The following table lists the order types supported for EBICS transactions:

Order Type
Protocol Version
Upload System Order Types
H3KH004Used to transmit all public keys (Bank Technical Key certificate, Identification and Authentication certificate, and Encryption certificate) for subscriber initialization.
HCAH003, H004
Used to update a user’s certificates. Sends the following certificates for updating the EBICS Banking Server:
  • Identification and authentication public certificate
  • Encryption public certificate
HCSH003, H004Used to update a user’s certificates. Sends the following certificates for updating the EBICS Banking Server:
  • Bank-technical public certificate
  • Identification and authentication public certificate
  • Encryption public certificate
HIAH003, H004Used to transmit user public certificates for identification, authentication and encryption within the framework of subscriber initialization.
HVEH003, H004Used to add the VEU signature
HVSH003, H004Used to upload a VEU cancellation
INIH003, H004Used in subscriber initialization. Sends the bank-technical public certificate of the user to the EBICS Banking Server.
PUBH003, H004Used to update user’s certificate. Sends the bank-technical public certificate of the customer for updating the EBICS Banking Server.
SPRH003, H004Used to suspend a user’s access authorization.
CCTH003, H004Used to initiate the credit transfer per Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) specification set by the European Payment Council or Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft (DK (German)).
CCUH003, H004Used to initiate the credit transfer for urgent payments.
CD1H003, H004Used to initiate a single day debit, which allows the creditor to submit the collection file one day before the collection date.
CDDH003, H004Used to initiate a direct debit transaction.
YCTH003, H004Used to upload credit transfer initiation.
XCTH003, H004Used to upload credit transfer initiation.
YDDH003, H004Used to upload direct debit initiation.
Download System Order Types
HACH004Used to download customer acknowledgment (XML format)
HEVH000Used to download information on supported EBICS versions.
HKDH003, H004Used to download customer and subscriber data. Retrieves information stored by the bank pertaining to the subscriber’s company and associated subscribers.
HPBH003, H004Used to download bank public certificates from the EBICS Banking Server.
HPDH003, H004Used to download bank parameters from the EBICS Banking Server.
HTDH003, H004Used to download customer and subscriber data. Retrieves information stored by the bank pertaining to the subscriber’s company.
HVDH003, H004Used to retrieve the VEU state
HVTH003, H004Used to retrieve VEU transaction details
HVUH003, H004Used to download a VEU overview
HVZH003, H004Used to download a VEU overview with additional information
CDZH003, H004Used to download the payment status report for each direct debit transaction.
CRZH003, H004Used to download the payment status report for each credit transfer.
VMKH003, H004Used to download the short-term acknowledgement slips.
STAH003, H004Used to download the SWIFT daily accounts.
XTXH003, H004Used to download payment status report for credit transfer.
Upload Bank-Technical Order Type
FULH003, H004Used to upload file of any format.
Download Bank-Technical Order Type
FDLH003, H004Used to download file of any format.

You can add file formats and associate them with the bank-technical upload and download order types from the Administration menu.

Sterling B2B Integrator enables you to add file formats and associate them with the bank-technical upload and download order types. An order type can have zero or more file formats. The file formats for FUL and FDL are based on the SWIFTNet request type.

To create a file format, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select EBICS Subscription Manager Order Type Manager File Format Configuration.
  3. In the File Format Configuration page, click Go next to Create New File Format.
  4. Enter the name of the file format in the File Format field. The file format can be created with any name with these two restrictions:
    • The first four characters should be from a to z.
    • The name should contain a dot (.).
  5. Select a Country Code from the Country Code drop-down list. The default value is [FR] FRANCE.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Confirm page, verify the file format settings, and click Finish.

You can search for a file format from under the Administration menu by name.

To search for a file format, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select EBICS Subscription Manager Order Type Manager File Format Configuration.
  3. In the File Format Configuration page, perform one of the following actions, and click Go.
    • Under Search in the File Format field, enter either a part of the name or the entire name of the file format you are searching for.
    • From the List Alphabetically drop-down list, select ALL or the letter with which the name of the file format you are searching for begins. Selecting ALL lists all the file formats.
  4. Click the file format link to view the file format settings.

You can edit a file format from under the Administration menu.

To edit a file format, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select EBICS Subscription Manager Order Type Manager File Format Configuration.
  3. In the File Format Configuration page, using either Search or List, locate and select the file format you want to edit, and click Go.
  4. Click edit next to the file format you want to edit.
  5. Select a Country Code from the Country Code drop-down list and click Next.
  6. In the Confirm page, verify the file format settings, and click Finish.

You can delete a file format from under the Administration menu.

To delete a file format, complete the following steps:

Note: You cannot delete a file format assigned to an order type.
  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select EBICS Subscription Manager Order Type Manager File Format Configuration.
  3. In the File Format Configuration page, using either Search or List, locate and select the file format you want to delete, and click Go.
  4. Click delete adjacent to the file format you want to delete.
  5. Click Return to return to the File Format Configuration page.

EBICS order types specify the various transactions that can take place between an EBICS Banking Server and an EBICS Client. Each order type is based on an XML schema and caters to different requirements.

To search for an order type:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select EBICS Subscription Manager Order Type Manager Order Type Configuration.
  3. In the Order Type Configuration page, perform one of the following actions, and click Go.
    • In the Search Order Type field, enter either a part of the name or the entire name of the order type you are searching for.
    • In the Search Protocol Version field, enter either a part of the name or the entire protocol version of the order type you are searching for.
    • From the List Alphabetically drop-down list, select ALL or the letter with which the name of the order type you are searching for begins. Selecting ALL lists all the order types.
  4. In the Order Type Settings page, click the corresponding order type to view the order type's settings. To view the list of file formats assigned to the order type in the Order Type Settings page, click Show All next to List of File Formats.

You can edit an order from under the Administration menu.

To edit an order type, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select EBICS Subscription Manager Order Type Manager Order Type Configuration.
  3. In the Order Type Configuration page, using either Search or List, locate and select the order type you want to edit, and click Go.
  4. Click edit next to the order type you want to edit.
    Click the order type to view the order type settings.
    Note: You can edit only the bank-technical order types, FUL and FDL.
  5. In the Order Type page, review the order type settings listed in the following table and click Next.
    Order TypeThe order type present in the system, for example, FDL.
    Protocol VersionSchema version relevant for the supported EBICS version, for example, H003.
    Release VersionEBICS version supported by the bank, for example, 02.40.
    DescriptionTextual description of the order type, for example, Download file with any format.
    Transfer TypeTransfer type can be one of the following:
    • Upload = Upload order data from EBICS client to EBICS server
    • Download = Download order data from EBICS server to EBICS client
    Order Data TypeOrder data type can be one of the following:
    • System = System order type
    • Technical = Technical order type
  6. The file formats and the corresponding country codes associated with the order type are listed in the File Format List page. Click add to associate a file format with the order type, and click delete to disassociate a file format from the order type.
  7. This step is applicable only if you opted to either add or delete a file format. Type a part of the file format name in the Filter Data By Name field and click the filter icon for a filtered list. You can also use the arrows to add the available file formats to the Assigned list. Click the first double arrow to add all available the file formats to the Assigned list.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Confirm page, click Show All next to List of File Formats to view the list of file formats associated with the order type. Verify the order type settings, and click Finish.

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Server User

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Sterling B2B Integrator - Configure Profile Manager

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