Sterling B2B Integrator - Document Tracking for EBICS

Document tracking support within EBICS Services provides you with a document-centric view of the entire EBICS messaging process. This gives you the ability to monitor the workflow not only from a business process point of view, but also from the actual document point of view.

In a single view, you can see how the document is transformed from one form to another within Sterling B2B Integrator, and how the request and response document correlate with each other.

To enable this feature, all the business processes that are related to the EBICS workflow must have the Document Tracking option enabled when you check in or edit the business processes. To do so and enable the framework to track, select the Document Tracking check box in the Process Levels page. Set the following options as required, and leave the rest of the business process parameters as defaults:
  • In the Deadline Settings page, set the deadline and notification options, if necessary.
  • In the Life Span page, set the life span, if necessary.

The Data Flow Monitoring feature in Sterling B2B Integrator enables you to view the inbound and outbound EBICS data flows. You can correlate and view the transformation of an incoming request document. You can also see the extracted information related to the incoming request document.

To perform an advanced search for EBICS business process data flows, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select Business Processes Monitor Advanced Search Data Flows.
  3. In the Business Process Monitor Data Flows page, specify any combination of the search criteria listed in the following table, as appropriate:




    Optional. The remote end point of the data flows to search for. Host name or IP address.


    Optional. Direction of the data flows to search for. Valid values are:
    • Inbound
    • Outbound


    Optional. Protocol for the data flows to search for. Valid values are:
    • AS2
    • AS3
    • HTTP
    • FTP
    • SFTP
    • MBI
    • Mailbox Service
    • Sterling Connect:Direct
    • WebDAV
    • SWIFTNet
    • OFTP
    • SAP
    • EBICS


    Optional. Current or final status of a data flow. Select one of the following options:
    • Normal
    • Error

    Document Name

    Optional. For data flows associated with a specific document, enter the document name.

    Data Size

    Optional. Range of the size of the data transferred. In the From and To fields, specify the size in KB, MB, or GB.



    From - The start date and time of the data flow to search for.

    To - The end date and time of the data flow to search for.

    Note: Click the calendar icon next the date to access the calendar.

    Save search results values by using tag

    Required. Enter a string that can be used to repeat the search in another session.

    Results per page

    Required. The number of results to be displayed per page. Valid values are:
    • 10
    • 25
    • 50
    • 100
    • 200
    • 250
    • 400
    • 500

    The default value is 10.

    List Directly


    By Data Flow ID

    Enter the data flow ID you want to search for.

  4. Click Go.
    The Monitor page is displayed, listing the business process data flows that match your search criteria.
  5. Click the Root Document Name corresponding to the data flow you want to view. There are three different types of data flows:
    • If the Root Document Name is EBICS_Request_<OrderType>_Initialization_<TrxID>, it indicates an inbound data flow representing the initialization phase of a request. The TrxID at the end of the name indicates that the data flow is a part of the EBICS transaction with that transaction ID.
    • If the Root Document Name is EBICS_Request_<OrderType> _Transfer-<SegmentNo>_<TrxID>, it corresponds to an inbound data flow representing the transfer phase of a particular segment number.
    • If the Root Document Name is EBICS_Request_<OrderType> _Receipt-<SegmentNo> _<TrxID>, it corresponds to an inbound data flow representing the acknowledgment phase of a particular transaction ID.

Sterling B2B Integrator creates communication session records for all associated authentication, authorization, file transfer, or nonfile transfer records, even if a document is not transferred, and no data flow record is created.

To view the EBICS communications sessions records, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator .
  2. From the Administration menu, select Business Processes Monitor Advanced Search Communication Sessions.
  3. Provide values for the fields listed in the following table:




    Optional. The remote end point of the communication sessions to search for. Host name or IP address.


    Optional. Protocol for the communication sessions to search for. Valid values are:
    • AS2
    • AS3
    • HTTP
    • FTP
    • SFTP
    • MBI
    • Mailbox Service
    • Sterling Connect:Direct
    • WebDAV
    • SWIFTNet
    • OFTP
    • SAP
    • EBICS



    From - The start date and time of the communication session records to search for.

    To - The end date and time of the communication session records to search for.

    Note: Click the calendar icon next the date to access the calendar.


    Optional. Search for a communication session associated with a primary participant.

    Secure Mode

    Optional. Search for a communication session in a secure mode. Valid values are:
    • SSL
    • CCC

    Locally Initialized

    Optional. Search for a locally initialized communication session record. Valid values are True and False.


    Optional. Current or final status of a communication session. Select one of the following options:
    • Normal
    • Error


    Optional. Current or final status of a connection. Valid values are Active and Closed.

    Save search results values by using tag

    Required. Enter a string that can be used to repeat the search in another session.

    Results per page

    Required. Select the number of results to be displayed per page. Valid values are:
    • 10
    • 25
    • 50
    • 100
    • 200
    • 250
    • 400
    • 500

    The default value is 10.

    Search by Process ID

    Type the business process ID you want to search for.

    List Directly


    By Communication Session ID

    Type the communication session ID you want to search for.

  4. Click Go.
    The Monitor page is displayed, listing the communication session records that match your search criteria.

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Sterling B2B Integrator - Using the EBICS Log Files

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Server User

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Sterling B2B Integrator - Importing and Exporting EBICS Resources

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