Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Signing Service

The EBICS Signing service performs the EBICS signing and verification of order data on the SHA-256 digest, computed in pipeline mode.

The following table provides an overview of the EBICS Signing service:

System Name

EBICS Signing Service

Graphical Process Modeler (GPM) categories

All Services


This service performs the EBICS signing and verification of order data on the SHA-256 digest, computed in pipeline mode.

Business usage

The EBICS Signing service performs a part of the packing and unpacking of order data.

Usage examples

A business process is called by the EBICS Order Processing service to either sign or verify payload data.


This service must be installed and deployed before it is invoked. No configuration parameters are required.

Requires third-party files?


Platform availability

All supported Sterling B2B Integrator platforms.

Related services


Application requirements


Initiates business processes?



This service is invoked from a business process.

Business process context considerations

Use this service in a business process to either sign or verify order data.

Returned status values

Fatal – Nonrecoverable error

Transient – Recoverable error

Logic – Recoverable error





Persistence level

System default


Debugging information for this service is located in Sterling B2B Integrator. Navigate to Operations System Logs EBICS.

Output from Business Process to EBICS Signing Service

The following table contains the parameters passed from a business process to the EBICS Signing service:




Required. The action to be performed. Valid values are SIGN and VERIFY.


Required if the value of certId is null. EBICS Banking Server certificate alias used by the EBICS Client if certId is not provided.


Required. Certificate ID.


Required. The communication session ID to which the service belongs to, for example, 012345.


Optional. The pipeline timeout value. Default value is 300 seconds.


Required only if the value of the action parameter is Verify. Signature value in Base64 encoded format that must be provided for verification of order data. It is not required for signing.


Required. EBICS signature version, for example, A005 and A006.


Required. The ID of the EBICS transaction, for example, TransactionId012345.


Required. The workflow ID of the transaction, for example, WfId012345.


Required if the value of mode is Server. ID of each EBICS signature.


Optional. Indicates if the service is being invoked by the EBICS Banking Server or the EBICS Client. Valid values are Server and Client. The default value is Server. If you do not provide a value for this parameter, the default value is used.

Output from EBICS Signing Service to Business Process

The following table contains the parameter passed from the EBICS Signing service to a business process.




Required only if the value of the action parameter is Sign. Signature value in Base64 encoded format that must be provided for signing of order data. It is not required for verification.

Business Process Examples

The following example business process illustrates payload signing:
					<process name="ebicssigning">
      <participant name="EBICSSigningService"/>
      <output message="signRequest">
        <assign to="." from="*"/>
        <assign to="action"from="'SIGN'"/>
        <assign to="certId" from="'certid'"/>
      <input message="signResponse">
        <assign to="." from="*"/>

The following example business process illustrates payload verification:

					<process name="ebicssigning">
    <participant name="EBICSSigningService"/>
    <output message="verifyRequest">
      <assign to="." from="*"/>
      <assign to="action" from="'VERIFY'"/>
      <assign to="certId" from="'certid'"/>
      <assign to="signatureValue" 
    <input message="verifyResponse">
      <assign to="." from="*"/>

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Encoding Service

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Banking Server Services

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Subscription Manager Service

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