Sterling B2B Integrator - Managing System Order

System Order Manager works closely with Transaction Manager and Subscription Manager to update and query a user’s key certificates and referential information, as well as to download bank parameters and bank certificates. It generates and retrieves XML order data based on the profile information.

System Order Manager also handles the implementation of upload and download system orders. The following table lists the supported upload system order types for EBICS transactions:
Upload System Order Type
INIUsed in subscriber initialization. Sends the bank-technical public certificate of a customer to the EBICS Banking Server. The order data is compressed and base64-encoded.
HIAUsed to transmit user public certificates for identification, authentication and encryption within the framework of subscriber initialization. The order data is compressed and base64-encoded.
PUBUsed to update customer’s certificates. Sends the bank-technical public certificate of the customer for updating the EBICS Banking Server. The order data is signed, compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded.
HCAUsed to update customer’s certificate. Sends the following certificates for updating the EBICS Banking Server:
  • Identification and authentication public certificate
  • Encryption public certificate

The order data is signed, compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded.

HCSUsed to update customer’s certificate. Sends the following certificates for updating the EBICS Banking Server:
  • Bank-technical public certificate
  • Identification and authentication public certificate
  • Encryption public certificate

The order data is signed, compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded.

SPRUsed to suspend a user’s access authorization. The order data is signed, compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded.
The following table lists the supported download system order types for EBICS transactions:
Download System Order Type
HPBUsed to download bank public certificates from the EBICS Banking Server. The order data is compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded. The response message is signed with an XML digital signature using the authentication certificate. The order data is not signed.
HPDUsed to download bank parameters from the EBICS Banking Server. The order data is compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded. The response message is signed with an XML digital signature using the authentication certificate. The order data is not signed.
HEVUsed to download information on supported EBICS versions. The response message is in clear text. There is no order data in an HEV response.
HKDUsed to download customer and subscriber data. Can be used when the user is in ready status. Retrieves information stored by the bank pertaining to the subscriber’s company and associated subscribers (including the bank’s own information). The order data is compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded. The response message is signed with an XML digital signature using the authentication certificate. The order data is not signed.
HTDUsed to download customer and subscriber data. Can be used when the user is in a ready status. Retrieves information stored by the bank pertaining to the subscriber’s company or the bank’s own information. The order data is compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded. The response message is signed with an XML digital signature using the authentication certificate. The order data is not signed.

The System Order manager retrieves information stored by the bank pertaining to the subscriber’s company. The subscribers can retrieve information stored by the bank pertaining to the subscriber’s company and all the associated subscribers using HKD and HTD order types after the user status is set to ‘Ready’ indicating that the user can transact with the bank. The bank’s response contains a list of the accounts of the customer.

The account information is included in the HKD response if at least one of the following conditions is met:
  • In the contractual agreement with the bank, it is specified that the statements of the account will be shared with the customer
  • At least one of the customer’s subscribers is authorized to sign for the account

The subscribers can retrieve information stored by the bank pertaining to the subscriber’s company or the bank’s own information using the HTD order type. However, information pertaining to the company’s associated subscribers is not shared in this order type. You must use the HKD order type to retrieve information pertaining to the company and the associated subscribers (including the bank’s own information). The HKD and HTD response lists the associated accounts of the partner to which the subscriber has permission to access.

The response message of the HKD Download System Order includes the following parameters:
  • HostID
  • PartnerInfo – Includes details of the partner, such as the address, the account information for which the subscriber has permission to access, and the order types the partner is authorized to use.
  • UserInfo – Includes details of the subscriber, such as the User ID, status of the subscriber, and the user permission information. The user permission information includes the authorization level of the list of order types, associated accounts, and the amount threshold limit.

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Managing the EBICS Server

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Server Concepts

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Processing Order Data

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On April 21 2021, 11 AM CT