Sterling B2B Integrator - Viewers

The following topic describes how you can view and search events (transactions), search orders, and complete your pending tasks.

Note: In EBICS Client application, the transaction time for Events and Orders is stored in GMT. For example, if the EBICS Client user is configured in Central European Standard Time (GMT+1) timezone, and an order is submitted on 3rd February 2011, 9:00 am GMT, then to search the order, specify 3rd February 2011, 10:00 am as the start date and start time in the Order search screen.

Using the Event Viewer, a user can search for events or transactions and obtain event summary details through the simple and advanced search options.

You can perform either a simple search or an advanced search by using multiple parameters to refine your search. Depending on the requirement of your search, you can do the following:
  • Indicate whether you want to search the event records in the live tables or in the history (archived) tables.
  • Select date ranges and time ranges.
  • Specify additional parameters to refine the search results.
The following procedure helps you search the event records and obtain an event summary that meets your search criteria:
  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the Viewers menu, select Event viewer.
  3. Complete the information pertaining to searching for events in the following table:
    Search locationRequired. Select the appropriate search location. The options are:
    • Live tables: This option is selected by default. When this option is selected, events are searched in the live tables (current) database.
    • Restore tables: When this option is selected, events are searched in the restore database.
    Start dateRequired. The current date by default is populated in this field based on the timezone specified while configuring the user. Click the Start Date field to view the calendar and select the start date from the calendar.
    End dateRequired. The current date by default is populated in this field based on the timezone specified while configuring the user. Click the End Date field to view the calendar and select the end date from the calendar.
    Event typeOptional. Select an appropriate event type from the drop-down list. The available event types are:
    • All (default)
    • Info
    • Warning
    • Error
    • Critical
    User IDOptional. From the drop-down list, select the user ID of the EBICS Client user who initiated the order related to the event you are searching for. This option is not available for a user with the role and permissions of EBICS Client user.
    Start timeRequired. The default system time is displayed in the field based on the timezone specified while configuring the user. Click the Start time field to select the start time.
    End timeRequired. The default system time is displayed in the field based on the timezone specified while configuring the user. Click the End time field to select the end time.
    Sort byOptional. You can sort the search results based on the following options:
    • Datetime (default)
    • Event type
    • Event code
    • Order type
    • Order ID
    You can also sort the search results in an ascending or descending order. Select the ASC or DSC option from the drop-down list. DSC is the default option.
    Refresh rateOptional. Using the up or down arrow, specify the frequency at which you want the search results to refresh.
    Refresh iconOptional. By default, refreshing of the search results is disabled (Off). Click the refresh icon to enable the refreshing of the search results (On).
  4. Click Search. The events summary is displayed in a tabular format, which is as follows:
    Event CodeClick the event code link to view the event details.
    Event typeThe type of event that is generated is displayed. The available event types are:
    • All
    • Info
    • Warning
    • Error
    • Critical
    Event NameThe event name is displayed.
    TimestampThe date and the time when the event was generated is displayed.
    Order typeThe order type for which the event was generated is displayed.
    Order Seq IDThe order sequence ID of the order for which the event was generated is displayed. Click the order sequence ID link to view the order details.
    Note: An EBICS Client admin and EBICS Client operator cannot view the order document link in the Order Details page. The document link is displayed only for an EBICS Client user.
    Order IDThe order ID of the order for which the event was generated is displayed. Click the order ID link to view the order details.
    Note: An EBICS Client admin and EBICS Client operator cannot view the order document link in the Order Details page. The document link is displayed only for an EBICS Client user.
    User IDWhen an EBICS Client admin initiates an event search, the user ID of the EBICS Client user responsible for triggering the event, such as, submitting an order, changing order configuration, is displayed. When an EBICS Client user initiates an event search, the user ID of the user who initiated the search is displayed.
  5. Click Reset to clear the event search parameters. Resetting the search parameters does not clear the previous search results.

With the Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client, you can search for orders and obtain an order summary using simple or advanced search options.

You can perform either a simple search or an advanced search by using multiple parameters to refine your search. Depending on the requirement of your search, you can:
  • Indicate whether you want to search the order records in the live tables or in the restore (archived) tables.
  • Select date ranges and time ranges.
  • Specify additional parameters to refine the search results.
To search the order records and obtain an order summary that meets your search criteria:
  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the Viewers menu, select Order search.
  3. Enter your search criteria according to the following table:
    Table 1. Searching for orders
    Search locationRequired. Select the appropriate search location. The options are:
    • Live tables: This option is selected by default. When this option is selected, orders are searched in the live tables (current) database.
    • Restore tables: When this option is selected, orders are searched in the restore database.
    Start dateRequired. The current date by default is populated in this field based on the timezone specified while configuring the user. Click the Start Date field to view the calendar and select the start date from the calendar.
    End dateRequired. The current date by default is populated in this field based on the timezone specified while configuring the user. Click the End Date field to view the calendar and select the end date from the calendar.
    Bank ID(Host ID)Optional. Select the required bank ID.
    Order IDOptional. Type the order ID in the Order ID field.
    Order typeOptional. Select an appropriate order type from the Order Type drop-down list.
    StatusOptional. Select the appropriate status of the order from the Status drop-down list:
    • All (default)
    • All completed
    • All incompleted
    • Success
    • Failed
    • In progress
    • Pending at Client
    • Pending at Server
    User IDOptional. From the drop-down list, select the user ID of the EBICS Client user who initiated the order you are searching for. This option is not available for an EBICS Client user.
    Permission typeOptional. Select the appropriate permission type. The options are:
    • Submitter: This option is selected by default. Orders are searched based on the submitter of the order.
    • Signer: Select this option to search for orders based on the signer of the order. Click the order ID link to view the order details. Order events, Activities, and Pending signatures tabs are not displayed when orders are searched by signer.
    Start timeRequired. The default system time is displayed in the field based on the timezone specified while configuring the user. Click the Start time field to select the start time.
    End timeRequired. The default system time is displayed in the field based on the timezone specified while configuring the user. Click the End time field to select the end time.
    Partner nameOptional. Select the required partner name.
    Order Seq IDOptional. Type the order sequence ID in the Order Seq ID field.
    File formatOptional. Select an appropriate file format from the File format drop-down list.
    FUL Ack statusOptional. Type the FUL acknowledgment status in the FUL Ack status field.
    Sort byOptional. You can sort the search results based on one of the following options:
    • Datetime (default)
    • Last activity datetime
    • Order ID
    • Order type
    • Partner name
    • Bank ID(Host ID)
    • User ID
    You can also sort the search results in an ascending or descending order. Select the ASC or DSC option from the drop-down list. DSC is the default option.
    Refresh rateOptional. Using the up or down arrow, specify the frequency at which you want the search results to refresh.
    Refresh iconOptional. By default, refreshing of the search results is disabled (Off). Click the refresh icon to enable the refreshing of the search results (On).
  4. Click Search.
    The order summary displays the following information in a tabular format:
    Table 2. Order information fields
    Order Seq ID

    Order ID

    Click the Order ID or Order Seq ID link to view the order details. The Order summary details page is divided into two sections: Order data and Order details. The Order data section provides the following information about the selected order:
    • Order Seq ID
    • Order type
    • File format
    • Number of signatures (Signatures required to submit the order)
    • Start date and time
    • Last activity date and time
    • Order ID
    • Partner name
    • User ID
    • Bank ID(Host ID)
    • Status of the order
    • Completion date and time
    • Workflow ID
    • Document (The order payload). The order document link is displayed only for the EBICS Client user. Click the link to view the payload (for upload and download technical orders) or the order request XML (for other order types).
    The Order details section has three tabs:
    Order events
    Provides information about events pertaining to an order, such as, data compressed, data encoded, and EBICS packaging passed.
    Provides information about the activities pertaining to an order, such as, Pending at client for signature and Submit action by submitter. The activities can be in one of the following states:
    • In progress
    • Completed
    • Failed
    Activities are not generated for INI, HIA, and HPB order types.
    Pending tasks
    Lists the users whose signatures are pending for the selected order.
    HAC States
    Provides processing status and details for all submitted orders
    User IDThe user ID of the EBICS Client user who submitted the order.
    Partner nameName of the partner to which a user is associated, is displayed.
    Bank ID(Host ID)The bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the banks system.
    Order typeThe order type is displayed.
    StatusThe status of the order is displayed. For example: Success, Failed, In progress, and Pending at Client.
    FUL Ack statusThe FUL acknowledgment status of the order is displayed.
    HAC ActionThe HAC action is displayed.

    For information, see HAC Processing.

    HAC ReasonThe HAC Reason code is displayed.

    For information, see HAC Processing.

    Start DateTimeThe start date and time are displayed.
    Completion DateTimeThe completion date and time are displayed.
  5. Click Reset to clear the order search parameters. Resetting the search parameters does not clear the previous search results.

Based on the configuration settings defined in an offer, multiple signatories may have to sign the order to process the order data. If an order is submitted for processing without obtaining the required signatures, EBICS Client does not process the order. Notifications for pending signatures are sent to the mailboxes of the concerned signatories requesting them to sign to the order. If the order is pending and needs to be signed, the user who is a signatory, sees the Sign link. If all the required signatures are obtained and the order is ready to be submitted, the user who is a submitter, sees the Submit link.

The Pending Tasks page is the landing page for Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client users. Use this page to view and sign or submit pending orders. To sign or submit a pending order, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the Viewers menu, select Pending tasks. The pending tasks are displayed in a tabular format.
    Column names
    Order IDDisplays the order ID. Click the order ID to view the order summary and sign the order. Click the order document link in the order details page to view the payload.
    Submitter IDDisplays the submitter ID.
    Bank ID(Host ID)Displays the bank ID.
    Order typeDisplays the type of the order.
    DatetimeDisplays the timestamp in date and time format.
    StatusDisplays the status of the order. For example, Success, Pending at Client, Pending at Server, and so on.

    Depending on the required action, Sign or Submit links are displayed next to the status.

  3. To sign a pending order, click Sign. To submit a pending order, click Submit.
  4. If hardware security for electronic signature is configured for an EBICS Client user, then the Electronics Signatures page is displayed after you click Sign. Enter the values for the fields listed in the following table and click Sign:
    Provider nameThe name of the PKCS11 hardware signature module (HSM) provider is displayed.
    Select DLLClick Browse, navigate to the appropriate location, and select the DLL file of the HSM.
    Select PKCS11 providerClick Load providers, navigate to the appropriate location, and select the PKCS11 service provider file. After loading the provider files, select the appropriate file from the drop-down list.
    Enter pinSpecify the security pin in the Enter pin field.
    Select private keyClick Load keys, navigate to the appropriate location, and select the keys. After loading the keys, select the appropriate key from the drop-down list.

Distributed Electronic Signature (VEU) enables you to transmit data remotely to multiple subscribers. Multiple subscribers can authorize orders remotely, independent of time and space.

To search the pending VEU tasks, an EBICS Client user must submit an HVU (download VEU overview) or an HVZ (download VEU overview with additional information, for example, hash value) order type.
Complete the following steps to search the pending VEU tasks:
  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the User Menu, select Viewers > Pending VEU Tasks.
  3. In the Pending VEU tasks page, specify the values for the fields listed in the following table and click Search.
    Partner nameRequired. Select a partner name from the drop-down list.
    Bank ID(Host ID)Required. Select a bank ID associated with the partner from the drop-down list.
    Bank URLRequired. Select the required bank URL from the drop-down list. The selected URL is used to establish an HTTP or HTTPS session with the EBICS Banking Server.
    A request is sent to the bank to retrieve the details of the pending VEU orders.
  4. Click Advanced Search to specify additional search criteria for VEU management orders in the Order Submission page.
  5. If the response from the bank is delayed, click Cancel.
  6. Click Reset to re-enter the search criteria.

You can view pending VEU tasks from the User Menu.

Complete the following steps to view the pending VEU tasks:
  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the User Menu, select Viewers > Pending VEU Tasks.
  3. In the Pending VEU tasks page, specify the values for the fields listed in the following table and click Search.
    Partner nameRequired. Select a partner name from the drop-down list.
    Bank ID(Host ID)Required. Select a bank ID associated with the partner from the drop-down list.
    Bank URLRequired. Select the required bank URL from the drop-down list. The selected URL is used to establish an HTTP or HTTPS session with the EBICS Banking Server.
    A request is sent to the bank to retrieve the details of the pending VEU orders.
  4. In the Search Results section of the Pending VEU tasks page, you can view the following information in the search results:
    Order typeThe order type of the pending VEU order. For example, FUL.
    Order IDThe order ID of the pending VEU order. Click the Order ID link to view information about the order data.
    Order data sizeThe size of the uncompressed order data in kilobytes.
    Signatures requiredTotal number of electronic signatures required for activation in the server.
    Signatures doneThe number of signatures already provided for the validation of the order.
    StatusThe status of the order is displayed. Valid values are pending and complete. For example, if a user has signed an order but if the order requires additional signatures to validate the order, the status of the order is pending in the VEU store. The user who has already signed the order cannot sign or cancel the order in the pending status. However, this user can submit HVT or HVD order types.
    DatetimeThe timestamp is displayed in date and time format.

You can retrieve details of a pending VEU order from the User Menu.

Complete the following steps to retrieve details of a pending VEU order:
  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the User Menu, select Viewers > Pending VEU Tasks.
  3. In the Pending VEU tasks page, specify the values for the fields listed in the following table and click Search.
    Partner nameRequired. Select a partner name from the drop-down list.
    Bank ID(Host ID)Required. Select a bank ID associated with the partner from the drop-down list.
    Bank URLRequired. Select the required bank URL from the drop-down list. The selected URL is used to establish an HTTP or HTTPS session with the EBICS Banking Server.
    A request is sent to the bank to retrieve the details of the pending VEU orders.
  4. In the Search Results section of the Pending VEU tasks page, click the Order ID link. The details of the order data are displayed.
    Order IDThe order ID of the pending VEU order. Click the Order ID link to view information about the order data.
    Order typeThe order type of the pending VEU order. For example, FUL.
    Originator Partner IDThe Partner ID associated with the user who submitted the upload order type.
    Originator user IDSubscriber ID of the user who submitted the upload order type.
    Order data availableAfter submitting an HVZ order type, indicates whether the order data can be downloaded in the original format or not.
    Order details availableThe order information for HVU order type.
    Order data sizeThe size of the uncompressed order data in kilobytes.
    DatetimeThe timestamp is displayed in date and time format.
    Ready to be signedIndicates whether the order is already signed by the user or not. False indicates that the order is already signed by the user. True indicates that the order is ready to be signed by the user.
    Signatures requiredDisplays the minimum number of signatures required to authorize the order.
    Signatures doneThe number of signatures that completed the validation of the order. Indicates the number of electronic signatures already provided and the information about previous signatories. Click the Signer info link to view the details of the signer:
    • Partner name: name of the trading partner
    • User ID
    • Name: name of the signatory
    • Time stamp
    • Authorization level: the authorization level of the signatory
    Order info linkClick the order info link to view details about the order:
    • Account: Click the account info link to view the name of the account holder, currency code, account description, the role of the account holder, account number, and the bank code.
    • Amount: view the amount of the order transaction.
    • Currency code: view the currency code of the order transaction.
    • Debit
    • Execution date: view the date of the execution of the order.
    • Description: Click the description link to view the description and description type of the signatory.
  5. In the Order data window, select one of the following options to retrieve the details for a pending VEU order:
    • From the Submit drop-down list, select HVT – order details to retrieve the transaction details of the order data
    • From the Submit drop-down list, select HVT – complete order data to retrieve the complete order data
    • From the Submit drop-down list, select HVD to retrieve the state of an order that is currently in VEU processing and for which the subscriber is authorized as a signatory. The subscriber receives information about the order in the form of an electronic accompanying note (DisplayFile), the order hash value (DataDigest), and the previous signatories (SignerInfo).
  6. In the VEU order details window, specify the values for the following parameters:
    Order id prefixSelect an alphabet from the drop-down list.
    Security mediumSecurity medium for the user’s bank-technical key. Type a four-digit security number in the 0100 – 0499 range.
    Bank URLSelect the bank URL from the drop-down list.
    Fetch limitValid if you selected HVT-order details. Maximum number of order details to be transmitted if the completeOrderData attribute is set to false. The default value is 100. Valid value is any non-negative integer. Specify 0 to fetch unlimited number of details. While it is possible to retrieve more than 100 details at a time, it is not ideal.
    Fetch offsetValid if you selected HVT-order details. The offset position in the original order file that marks the starting point of the transaction details to be transmitted. If the completeOrderData attribute is set to false, then the offset position applies to the sequential number of a particular order. The default value is 0. Valid value is any non-negative integer. To retrieve more than 100 records, set fetch offset as 0 to retrieve the first 100 records, then set fetch offset as 101 to retrieve the next 100 records. Continue as needed.
  7. Click Submit.

You can sign a pending VEU order when the Ready to be Signed parameter displays True and one of the VEU orders is submitted.

To sign a pending VEU order, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
  • Ready to be Signed parameter displays True
  • One of the following VEU orders are submitted:
    • HVZ
    • HVU and HVD
    • HVU and HVT - complete order data
Complete the following steps to sign a pending VEU order:
  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the User Menu, select Viewers > Pending VEU Tasks.
  3. In the Pending VEU tasks page, specify the values for the fields listed in the following table and click Search.
    Partner nameRequired. Select a partner name from the drop-down list.
    Bank ID(Host ID)Required. Select a bank ID associated with the partner from the drop-down list.
    Bank URLRequired. Select the required bank URL from the drop-down list. The selected URL is used to establish an HTTP or HTTPS session with the EBICS Banking Server.
    A request is sent to the bank to retrieve the details of the pending VEU orders.
  4. In the Pending VEU tasks page, click the Order ID link. The details of the order data are displayed.
    Order IDThe order ID of the pending VEU order. Click the Order ID link to view information about the order data.
    Order typeThe order type of the pending VEU order. For example, FUL.
    Originator Partner IDThe Partner ID associated with the user who submitted the upload order type.
    Originator user IDSubscriber ID of the user who submitted the upload order type.
    Order data availableAfter submitting an HVZ order type, indicates whether the order data can be downloaded in the original format or not.
    Order details availableThe order information for HVU order type.
    Order data sizeThe size of the uncompressed order data in kilobytes.
    DatetimeThe timestamp is displayed in date and time format.
    Ready to be signedIndicates whether the order is already signed by the user or not. False indicates that the order is already signed by the user. True indicates that the order is ready to be signed by the user.
    Signatures requiredDisplays the minimum number of signatures required to authorize the order.
    Signatures doneThe number of signatures that completed the validation of the order. Indicates the number of electronic signatures already provided and the information about previous signatories. Click the Signer info link to view the details of the signer:
    • Partner name: name of the trading partner
    • User ID
    • Name: name of the signatory
    • Time stamp
    • Authorization level: the authorization level of the signatory
    Order info linkClick the order info link to view details about the order:
    • Account: Click the account info link to view the name of the account holder, currency code, account description, the role of the account holder, account number, and the bank code.
    • Amount: view the amount of the order transaction.
    • Currency code: view the currency code of the order transaction.
    • Debit
    • Execution date: view the date of the execution of the order.
    • Description: Click the description link to view the description and description type of the signatory.
  5. Click Sign order.
  6. In the VEU order details window, specify the values for the following parameters:
    Order id prefixSelect an alphabet from the drop-down list.
    Security mediumSecurity medium for the user’s bank-technical key. Type a four-digit security number in the 0100 – 0499 range.
    Bank URLSelect the bank URL from the drop-down list.
  7. Click Submit.

You can cancel a pending VEU order if the Ready to be Signed parameter displays True and one VEU order is submitted.

To cancel a pending VEU order, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
  • Ready to be Signed parameter displays True
  • One of the following VEU orders are submitted:
    • HVZ
    • HVU and HVD
    • HVU and HVT - complete order data
Complete the following steps to cancel a pending VEU order:
  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client.
  2. From the User Menu, select Viewers > Pending VEU Tasks.
  3. In the Pending VEU tasks page, specify the values for the fields listed in the following table and click Search.
    Partner nameRequired. Select a partner name from the drop-down list.
    Bank ID(Host ID)Required. Select a bank ID associated with the partner from the drop-down list.
    Bank URLRequired. Select the required bank URL from the drop-down list. The selected URL is used to establish an HTTP or HTTPS session with the EBICS Banking Server.
    A request is sent to the bank to retrieve the details of the pending VEU orders.
  4. In the Search Results section of the Pending VEU tasks page, click the Order ID link. The details of the order data are displayed.
    Order IDThe order ID of the pending VEU order. Click the Order ID link to view information about the order data.
    Order typeThe order type of the pending VEU order. For example, FUL.
    Originator Partner IDThe Partner ID associated with the user who submitted the upload order type.
    Originator user IDSubscriber ID of the user who submitted the upload order type.
    Order data availableAfter submitting an HVZ order type, indicates whether the order data can be downloaded in the original format or not.
    Order details availableThe order information for HVU order type.
    Order data sizeThe size of the uncompressed order data in kilobytes.
    DatetimeThe timestamp is displayed in date and time format.
    Ready to be signedIndicates whether the order is already signed by the user or not. False indicates that the order is already signed by the user. True indicates that the order is ready to be signed by the user.
    Signatures requiredDisplays the minimum number of signatures required to authorize the order.
    Signatures doneThe number of signatures that completed the validation of the order. Indicates the number of electronic signatures already provided and the information about previous signatories. Click the Signer info link to view the details of the signer:
    • Partner name: name of the trading partner
    • User ID
    • Name: name of the signatory
    • Time stamp
    • Authorization level: the authorization level of the signatory
    Order info linkClick the order info link to view details about the order:
    • Account: Click the account info link to view the name of the account holder, currency code, account description, the role of the account holder, account number, and the bank code.
    • Amount: view the amount of the order transaction.
    • Currency code: view the currency code of the order transaction.
    • Debit
    • Execution date: view the date of the execution of the order.
    • Description: Click the description link to view the description and description type of the signatory.
  5. Click Cancel order.
  6. In the VEU order details window, specify the values for the following parameters:
    Order id prefixSelect an alphabet from the drop-down list.
    Security mediumSecurity medium for the user’s bank-technical key. Type a four-digit security number in the 0100 – 0499 range.
    Bank URLSelect the bank URL from the drop-down list.
  7. Click Submit.

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Sterling B2B Integrator - Submitting Orders

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