Sterling B2B Integrator - Return codes

When using EBICS Client, you may receive return codes and event messages.

Return codes for events

The tables here list the return code, the corresponding event message and a brief description of the return code.

Table 1. Return codes for events
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL2302Order Data CompressedIndicates that the order data of the transaction is compressed. No action required.
EBICSCL2303Order Data EncryptedIndicates that the order data of the transaction is encrypted. No action required.
EBICSCL2304Order Data EncodedIndicates that the order data of the transaction is encoded. No action required.
EBICSCL2305Order Data SignedIndicates that the order data of the transaction is signed. No action required.
EBICSCL2306Order Data DecompressedIndicates that the order data of the transaction is decompressed. No action required.
EBICSCL2307Order Data DecryptedIndicates that the order data of the transaction is decrypted. No action required.
EBICSCL2308Order Data DecodedIndicates that the order data of the transaction is decoded. No action required.
EBICSCL2309Signature Data CompressedIndicates that the signature data of the transaction is compressed. No action required.
EBICSCL2310Signature Data EncryptedIndicates that the signature data of the transaction is encrypted. No action required.
EBICSCL2311Signature Data EncodedIndicates that the signature data of the transaction is encoded. No action required.
EBICSCL2312Signature Data DecompressedIndicates that the signature data of the transaction is decompressed. No action required.
EBICSCL2313Signature Data DecryptedIndicates that the signature data of the transaction is decrypted. No action required.
EBICSCL2314Signature Data DecodedIndicates that the signature data of the transaction is decoded. No action required.
EBICSCL2300EBICS Packaging PassedIndicates that the packaging of the order data was successful. No action required.
EBICSCL2301EBICS Packaging FailedIndicates that the packaging of the order data was not successful. A few of the reasons for the failure of packaging may be a result of failure when compressing order data, or encrypting order data, or erroneous keys used in signature or encryption. Review the list of events using Event Viewer from the EBICS Client dashboard interface.
EBICSCL2500EBICS Unpackaging PassedIndicates that the unpackaging of the order data was successful. No action required.
EBICSCL2501EBICS Unpackaging FailedIndicates that the unpackaging of the order data was not successful. A few of the reasons for the failure of unpackaging may be a result of failure when decompressing order data, or decrypting order data, or erroneous keys used in signature verification. Review the list of events using Event Viewer from the EBICS Client dashboard interface.
EBICSCL2318Valid Response ReceivedIndicates that you have received a valid response from the server when you submit an order type.
EBICSCL2319Erroneous Response ReceivedIndicates that the server returned an erroneous response for a particular order request. For more information about the response, view the list of events using Event Viewer from the EBICS Client dashboard interface for technical and business return codes.
EBICSCL2320EBICS Initialisation Request PassedIndicates that the request has been initialized.
EBICSCL2321EBICS Data Transfer Request PassedIndicates that the request for transfer of data has been accepted by the bank.
EBICSCL2322No Submitter AuthorityIndicates that you do not have the user permission to submit an order. Configure the user permission for the role with authorization level set to T and permission type set to Submitter.
EBICSCL2323Unpackaged data writing to Mailbox successIndicates that the data was unpackaged and stored in the user mailbox.
EBICSCL2324Unpackaged data writing to Mailbox failureThe failure to write unpackaged data to a mailbox may be a result of inadequate permission to access mailbox. For more information, see the ebicsClient.log file.
EBICSCL2325Pending Tasks created for AuthorizersIndicates that pending tasks are created for the user. View the list of pending tasks to be signed using the EBICS Client dashboard interface.
EBICSCL2326Pending Tasks created for SubmitterIndicates that pending tasks are created for the user who is authorized to submit orders. View the list of pending tasks to be submitted using the EBICS Client dashboard interface.
EBICSCL2327Signature generation successful for AuthorizerIndicates that the signature generation was successful when a signatory signed an order that was pending for signature.
EBICSCL2328Signature generation failed for AuthorizerIndicates that the signature generation was unsuccessful when a signatory signed an order that was pending for signature.
EBICSCL2329OrderType is invalidIndicates that the order type specified is invalid. Specify a valid order type.
EBICSCL2330HostID is invalidIndicates that the host ID or the bank ID specified is invalid. Specify a valid host ID.
EBICSCL2331PartnerID and UserID combination is invalidIndicates that the user ID and the associated partner ID combination is invalid. Specify a valid combination of user ID and associated partner ID.
EBICSCL2332SystemID is invalidIndicates that the system ID specified is invalid. Specify a valid system ID.
EBICSCL2333Missing mandatory parameter in order metadataIndicates that a mandatory parameter in the order metadata is not included. Review the ordermetadata.xml for the missing parameter and specify a valid value for the parameter.
EBICSCL2334Security Medium is invalidIndicates that the value specified for security medium is not valid. Enter a four-digit security number in the 0100 – 0499 range.
EBICSCL2335Unable to parse Primary Document in WorkflowRe-check configuration and initiate transaction.
EBICSCL2336Encryption Public Key not found for BankUpload a valid encryption key.
EBICSCL2337Could not retrieve Key for usageWhen signing or encrypting order data, the key to the alias could not be retrieved.
EBICSCL2338Segment Upload to HostThe order data segment was successfully uploaded to the server.
EBICSCL2339Segment Download from HostThe order data segment was successfully downloaded from the server.
EBICSCL2340Calculated Total Number of segments to be UploadedEBICS Client calculates the total number of segments of an order data that is to be uploaded.
EBICSCL2341Got Total Number of segments to be DownloadedEBICS Client receives the total number of segments of an order data that is to be downloaded.
EBICSCL2342Auto Submit value is invalidIndicates that the value defined for autosubmit is not valid and therefore the order cannot be automatically submitted. Enter a valid value for the autosubmit parameter. Valid values are true and false.
EBICSCL2343Country code value is invalidIndicates that the abbreviation for a country is not valid. Specify a valid format for country abbreviations.
EBICSCL2344Host not yet ActiveIndicates that the server at the bank is not yet active. Download the bank keys using the HPB order type and validate the bank keys.
EBICSCL2345User not yet ReadyIndicates that the subscriber initialization for the user is not yet complete. Generate the INI and HIA letters for the user associated with the partner and send them to the bank for validation.
EBICSCL2346Response data writing to Mailbox successIndicates that the response received from the bank was successfully stored in the mailbox.
EBICSCL2347Response data writing to Mailbox failureThe failure to write response data to a mailbox may be a result of inadequate permission to access mailbox. For more information, see the ebicsClient.log file.
EBICSCL2348Error putting message into MailboxIndicates that the message could not be uploaded to the mailbox.
EBICSCL2349No Response from ServerIndicates that the server did not respond when a request was sent to the server.
EBICSCL2350Invalid response from ServerIndicates that the server returned an invalid response when a request was sent to the server.
EBICSCL2392Mandatory Parameter for HttpClient missingIndicates that the name of the configured http client adapter is null, or adapter properties are missing, or if the host or port is not configured properly. If SSL is enabled, CA certificate is not configured.
EBICSCL2393HttpClient Instance Not FoundIndicates that the http client adapter instance is missing.
EBICSCL2394Error in Ending HTTP Session with ServerIndicates that an error occurred when ending the HTTP session with the server, which may be a result of not finding a valid session.
EBICSCL2395Host Not FoundIndicates that the host or port is not configured properly.
EBICSCL2396Handshake FailureWhen connecting to the server using SSL. the connection may be unsuccessful, for example, because of invalid certificates.
EBICSCL2398Could not complete connection to specified hostIndicates that the client was unable to connect to a host even when the session was successfully started.
EBICSCL2351Invalid key length for signatureIndicates that the length of the bank-technical keys is invalid for signature. Ensure that the key length is equal to or greater than 1536 bit and equal to or lesser than 4096 bit.

For information about defining EBICS-specific key lengths for electronic signature, encryption, and authentication, see EBICS Specification, version 2.5.

EBICSCL2352Invalid key length for authenticationIndicates that the length of the bank-technical keys is invalid for identification and authentication. Ensure that the key length is equal to or greater than 1024 bit and equal to or lesser than 16384 bit.

For information about defining EBICS-specific key lengths for electronic signature, encryption, and authentication, see EBICS Specification, version 2.5.

EBICSCL2353Invalid key length for encryptionIndicates that the length of the bank-technical keys is invalid for encryption. Ensure that the key length is equal to or greater than 1024 bit and equal to or lesser than 16384 bit.

For information about defining EBICS-specific key lengths for electronic signature, encryption, and authentication, see EBICS Specification, version 2.5.

EBICSCL2354Error in starting HTTP Session with ServerIndicates that an error occurred when starting an HTTP session with the server.
EBICSCL2355Error in parsing OrderMetadata Document with Message IDCheck whether the XML is well-formed or not.
EBICSCL2356Technical Subscriber does not have permissions to be a delegate of the User specifiedConfigure technical user and associate the technical user with an existing user.
EBICSCL2357Error while trying to retrieve message from MailboxIndicates that an error occurred when retrieving a message from the mailbox.
EBICSCL2358Error in parsing OrderMetadata DocumentCheck whether the XML is well-formed.
EBICSCL2359Signature Application RejectedSignature application rejected because the signature requirements were already met for the order.
EBICSCL2360Submission Application RejectedSubmission application rejected because the order has already been submitted to the bank.
EBICSCL2361Ordermetadata file is not a zip file or no files present inside the zipEnsure that the ordermetadata file is in a compressed format and that the zip file has valid content.
EBICSCL2362Incorrect number of files present in Ordermetadata zipIndicates that the number of files present in the file is incorrect. For example, when submitting an FUL order type from back-end, if the zip file does not contain either the payload data or the ordermetadata.xml or both.
EBICSCL2363Missing file with name ordermetadata.xml in Ordermetadata zipEnsure that the zip file contains a file with the name ordermetadata.xml.
EBICSCL2364Missing Payload file in Ordermetadata zip for OrderType FULEnsure that the zip file contains the payload order data for order type FUL.
EBICSCL2365Error while trying to retrieve Transport URL or other mandatory transport parametersIndicates that the host URL is malformed or the client is unable to retrieve HTTP configuration details from the database.
EBICSCL2366Error while decrypting the dataAn error occurred when decrypting the data. This can be caused by many things. For example, The data being encrypted with the wrong certificate or incomplete encrypted data could cause this error.
EBICSCL2367Error while encrypting the dataAn error occurred when encrypting the data. This can be caused by many things. For example, an invalid or missing key could cause this error.
EBICSCL2368Error while creating XML authenticationThe error may be a result of , for example, certificate not configured or unable to retrieve the certificate.
EBICSCL2369Error while verifying XML authenticationThe error may be a result of , for example, certificate not configured or unable to retrieve the certificate.
EBICSCL2370Unexpected Return code from ServerThe server returned an error not defined in the client database.
EBICSCL2371EBICS Client Internal ErrorAn internal error occurred when processing an EBICS request.
EBICSCL2403NIST compliance errorNIST compliance error. Please check whether the algorithm/keystrength being used is NIST compliant in the current configured NIST compliance mode.
EBICSCL2404Signature certificate not issued by a CASignature certificate not issued by a certification authority (CA). IssuerDN: ${0}.
EBICSCL2405EBICS Protocol version mismatch, server replies with different version than order type is offered forEBICS Protocol version mismatch, OrderType INI offered for H003 but the EBICS server sent a response for protocol version H004.

Return codes for HPB

Table 2. Return codes for HPB
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL1701EBICS HPB Request Creation FailedAn error occurred when creating an HPB request.
EBICSCL1702EBICS HPB Request Creation PassedThe HPB order request was created successfully.
EBICSCL1703EBICS HPB Response Parsing FailedAn error occurred when parsing an HPB response.
EBICSCL1704EBICS HPB Response Parsing PassedThe HPB response was parsed successfully.
EBICSCL1705EBICS HPB Response Un-Packing PassedThe HPB response was unpacked successfully.
EBICSCL1706EBICS HPB Response Un-Packing FailedAn error occurred when unpacking an HPB response.
EBICSCL1707EBICS HPB Bank Certs Save FailedAn error occurred when saving the bank keys.
EBICSCL1708EBICS HPB Bank Certs Save PassThe HPB bank keys were saved successfully.

Return codes for keys

Table 3. Return codes for keys
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL2372 to EBICSCL2381Could not retrieve Private Key for usageThe following is a list of possible reasons for failure to retrieve private keys:
  • SystemCertificate not found in Database
  • Certificate is Expired
  • Certificate Not Yet Valid
  • Certificate is Held
  • Certificate is Revoked
  • Invalid Issuer Signature for a certificate in the chain
  • CertPathValidation failed
  • Error in Certificate
  • Error in fetching Certificate
  • Error in fetching key from RSA KeyStore
EBICSCL2382 to EBICSCL2391Could not retrieve Public Key for usageThe following is a list of possible reasons for failure to retrieve public keys:
  • Key not found in Database
  • Certificate is Expired
  • Certificate Not Yet Valid
  • Certificate is Held
  • Certificate is Revoked
  • Invalid Issuer Signature for a certificate in the chain
  • CertPathValidation failed
  • Error in Certificate
  • Error in fetching Certificate
  • Error in fetching key from RSA KeyStore

Return codes for generating order IDs

Table 4. Return codes for generating order IDs
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL2399OrderID generation re-initializedIndicates that the last three alphanumeric values in the order ID, which can range from 000 to zzz, was re-initialized to 000.
EBICSCL2400Order logging failed in the EBICS client systemThe order ID already exists in the system for partner ID. Contact administrator for further action.
EBICSCL2401OrderID generation failedIn a multi-node scenario, when one of the nodes fails to refresh the order ID cache and consequently fails to generate an Order ID for a particular order.
EBICSCL2402OrderID Cache configuration errorCheck the configuration for order ID cache under System Properties.

Technical return codes

Table 5. Technical return codes
Return Code
Event Message
ESRVT011000[t011000] EBICS_DOWNLOAD_POSTPROCESS_DONEThe positive acknowledgment of the EBICS response that is sent to the client from the server.
ESRVT011001[t011001] EBICS_DOWNLOAD_POSTPROCESS_SKIPPEDThe negative acknowledgment of the EBICS response that is sent to the client from the server.
ESRVT011101[t011101] EBICS_TX_SEGMENT_NUMBER_UNDERRUNThe server terminates the transaction if the client, in an upload transaction, has specified a very high (when compared to the number specified in the initialization phase) number of segments that are to be transmitted to the server.
ESRVT031001[t031001] EBICS_ORDER_PARAMS_IGNOREDThe supplied order parameters that are not supported by the bank are ignored.
ESRVT061001[t061001] EBICS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILEDThe bank is unable to verify the identification and authentication signature of an EBICS request.
ESRVT061002[t061002] EBICS_INVALID_REQUESTThe received EBICS XML message does not conform to the EBICS specifications.
ESRVT061099[t061099] EBICS_INTERNAL_ERRORAn internal error occurred when processing an EBICS request.
ESRVT061101[t061101] EBICS_TX_RECOVERY_SYNCIf the bank supports transaction recovery, the bank verifies whether an upload transaction can be recovered. The server synchronizes with the client to recover the transaction.
ESRVT091002[t091002] EBICS_INVALID_USER_OR_USER_STATEError that results from an invalid combination of user ID or an invalid subscriber state.
ESRVT091003[t091003] EBICS_USER_UNKNOWNThe identification and authentication signature of the technical user is successfully verified but the non-technical subscriber is not known to the bank.
ESRVT091004[t091004] EBICS_INVALID_USER_STATEThe identification and authentication signature of the technical user is successfully verified and the non-technical subscriber is known to the bank, but the user is not in a ’Ready’ state.
ESRVT091005[t091005] EBICS_INVALID_ORDER_TYPEUpon verification, the bank finds that the order type specified in invalid.
ESRVT091006[t091006] EBICS_UNSUPPORTED_ORDER_TYPEUpon verification, the bank finds that the order type specified in valid but not supported by the bank.
ESRVT091007(H003 protocol)

(H004 protocol)

Subscriber possesses no authorization of signature for the referenced order in the VEU administration.
ESRVT091008[t091008] EBICS_BANK_PUBKEY_UPDATE_REQUIREDThe bank verifies the hash value sent by the user. If the hash value does not match the current public keys, the bank terminates the transaction initialization.
ESRVT091009[t091009] EBICS_SEGMENT_SIZE_EXCEEDEDIf the size of the transmitted order data segment exceeds 1 MB, the transaction is terminated.
ESRVT091010[t091010] EBICS_INVALID_XMLThe XML schema does not conform to the EBICS specifications.
ESRVT091011[t091011] EBICS_INVALID_HOST_IDThe transmitted host ID is not known to the bank.
ESRVT091101[t091101] EBICS_TX_UNKNOWN_TXIDThe supplied transaction ID is invalid.
ESRVT091102[t091102] EBICS_TX_ABORTIf the bank supports transaction recovery, the bank verifies whether an upload transaction can be recovered. If the transaction cannot be recovered, the bank terminates the transaction.
ESRVT091103[t091103] EBICS_TX_MESSAGE_REPLAYTo avoid replay, the bank compares the received Nonce with the list of nonce values that were received previously and stored locally. If the nonce received is greater than the tolerance period specified by the bank, the response EBICS_TX_MESSAGE_REPLAY is returned.
ESRVT091104[t091104] EBICS_TX_SEGMENT_NUMBER_EXCEEDEDThe serial number of the transmitted order data segment must be less than or equal to the total number of data segments that are to be transmitted. The transaction is terminated if the number of transmitted order data segments exceeds the total number of data segments.
ESRVT091112[t091112] EBICS_INVALID_ORDER_PARAMSIn an HVT request, the subscriber specifies the order for which they want to retrieve the VEU transaction details. The HVT request also specifies an offset position in the original order file that marks the starting point of the transaction details to be transmitted. The order details after the specified offset position are returned. If the value specified for offset is higher than the total number of order details, the error EBICS_INVALID_ORDER_PARAMS is returned.
ESRVT091113[t091113] EBICS_INVALID_REQUEST_CONTENTThe EBICS request does not conform to the XML schema definition specified for individual requests.
ESRVT091117[t091117] EBICS_MAX_ORDER_DATA_SIZE_EXCEEDEDThe bank does not support the requested order size.
ESRVT091118[t091118] EBICS_MAX_SEGMENTS_EXCEEDEDThe submitted number of segments for upload is very high.
ESRVT091119[t091119] EBICS_MAX_TRANSACTIONS_EXCEEDEDThe maximum number of parallel transactions per customer is exceeded.
ESRVT091120[t091120] EBICS_PARTNER_ID_MISMATCHThe partner ID of the electronic signature file differs from the partner ID of the submitter.
ESRVT091121[t091121] EBICS_INCOMPATIBLE_ORDER_ATTRIBUTEThe specified order attribute is not compatible with the order in the bank system. If the bank has a file with the attribute DZHNN or other electronic signature files (for example, with the attribute UZHNN) for the same order, then the use of the order attributes DZHNN is not allowed. Also, if the bank already has the same order and the order was transmitted with the order attributes DZHNN, then again the use of the order attributes DZHNN is not allowed.
(H004 protocol)
[t091219] EBICS_CERTIFICATES_VALIDATION_ERRORThe server is unable to match the certificate with the previously declared information automatically.

Bank-technical return codes

Table 6. Bank-technical return codes
Return Code
Event Message
ESRVB011301[b011301] EBICS_NO_ONLINE_CHECKSThe bank does not principally support preliminary verification of orders but the EBICS request contains data for preliminary verification of the order.
ESRVB091001[b091001] EBICS_DOWNLOAD_SIGNED_ONLYThe bank system only supports bank-technically signed download order data for the order request. If the subscriber sets the order attributes to DZHNN and requests the download data without the electronic signature of the bank, the transaction initialization is terminated.
ESRVB091002[b091002] EBICS_DOWNLOAD_UNSIGNED_ONLYThe bank system only supports unsigned download order data for the order request. When it is agreed that the subscriber can download order data only without the electronic signature of the bank, if the subscriber sets the order attributes to OZHNN and requests the download data with the electronic signature of the bank, the transaction initialization is terminated.
ESRVB090003[b090003] EBICS_AUTHORISATION_ORDER_TYPE_FAILEDThe subscriber is not entitled to submit orders of the selected order type. If the authorization is missing when the bank verifies whether the subscriber has a bank-technical authorization of signature for the order, the transaction is cancelled.
ESRVB090004[b090004] EBICS_INVALID_ORDER_DATA_FORMATThe order data does not correspond with the designated format.
ESRVB090005[b090005] EBICS_NO_DOWNLOAD_DATA_AVAILABLEIf the requested download data is not available, the EBICS transaction is terminated.
ESRVB090006[b090006] EBICS_UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST_FOR_ORDER_INSTANCEIn the case of some business transactions, it is not possible to retrieve detailed information of the order data.
ESRVB091105[b091105] EBICS_RECOVERY_NOT_SUPPORTEDIf the bank does not support transaction recovery, the upload transaction is terminated.
ESRVB091111[b091111] EBICS_INVALID_SIGNATURE_FILE_FORMATThe submitted electronic signature file does not conform to the defined format.
ESRVB091114[b091114] EBICS_ORDERID_UNKNOWNUpon verification, the bank finds that the order is not located in the VEU processing system.
ESRVB091115[b091115] EBICS_ORDERID_ALREADY_EXISTSThe submitted order number already exists.
ESRVB091116[b091116] EBICS_PROCESSING_ERRORWhen processing an EBICS request, other business-related errors occurred.
ESRVB091201[b091201] EBICS_KEYMGMT_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION_SIGNATUREWhen processing an INI request, the order data contains an inadmissible version of the bank-technical signature process.
ESRVB091202[b091202] EBICS_KEYMGMT_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION_AUTHENTICATIONWhen processing an HIA request, the order data contains an inadmissible version of the identification and authentication signature process.
ESRVB091203[b091203] EBICS_KEYMGMT_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION_ENCRYPTIONWhen processing an HIA request, the order data contains an inadmissible version of the encryption process.
ESRVB091204[b091204] EBICS_KEYMGMT_KEYLENGTH_ERROR_SIGNATUREWhen processing an INI request, the order data contains an bank-technical key of inadmissible length.
ESRVB091205[b091205] EBICS_KEYMGMT_KEYLENGTH_ERROR_AUTHENTICATIONWhen processing an HIA request, the order data contains an identification and authentication key of inadmissible length.
ESRVB091206[b091206] EBICS_KEYMGMT_KEYLENGTH_ERROR_ENCRYPTIONWhen processing an HIA request, the order data contains an encryption key of inadmissible length.
ESRVB091207[b091207] EBICS_KEYMGMT_NO_X509_SUPPORTA public key of type X509 is sent to the bank but the bank supports only public key value type.
ESRVB091208[b091208] EBICS_X509_CERTIFICATE_EXPIREDThe certificate is not valid because it has expired.
ESRVB091209[b091209] EBICS_X509_CERTIFICATE_NOT_VALID_YETThe certificate is not valid because it is not yet in effect.
ESRVB091210[b091210] EBICS_X509_WRONG_KEY_USAGEWhen verifying the certificate key usage, the bank detects that the certificate is not issued for current use.
ESRVB091211[b091211] EBICS_X509_WRONG_ALGORITHMWhen verifying the certificate algorithm, the bank detects that the certificate is not issued for current use.
ESRVB091212[b091212] EBICS_X509_INVALID_THUMBPRINTThe thumb print does not correspond to the certificate.
ESRVB091213[b091213] EBICS_X509_CTL_INVALIDWhen verifying the certificate, the bank detects that the certificate trust list (CTL) is not valid.
ESRVB091214[b091214] EBICS_X509_UNKNOWN_CERTIFICATE_AUTHORITYThe chain cannot be verified because of an unknown certificate authority (CA).
ESRVB091215[b091215] EBICS_X509_INVALID_POLICYThe certificate has invalid policy when determining certificate verification.
ESRVB091216[b091216] EBICS_X509_INVALID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTSThe basic constraints are not valid when determining certificate verification.
ESRVB091217[b091217] EBICS_ONLY_X509_SUPPORTThe bank supports evaluation of X.509 data only.
ESRVB091218[b091218] EBICS_KEYMGMT_DUPLICATE_KEYThe key sent for authentication or encryption is the same as the signature key.
ESRVB091301[b091301] EBICS_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_FAILEDVerification of the electronic signature has failed.
ESRVB091302[b091302] EBICS_ACCOUNT_AUTHORISATION_FAILEDPreliminary verification of the account authorization has failed.
ESRVB091303[b091303] EBICS_AMOUNT_CHECK_FAILEDPreliminary verification of the account amount limit has failed.
ESRVB091304[b091304] EBICS_SIGNER_UNKNOWNThe signatory of the order is not a valid subscriber.
ESRVB091305[b091305] EBICS_INVALID_SIGNER_STATEThe state of the signatory is not admissible.
ESRVB091306[b091306] EBICS_DUPLICATE_SIGNATUREThe signatory has already signed the order.

Return codes for VEU

Table 7. Return codes for VEU
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL1050Error while Unmarshalling the ResponseOrderData and persisting into DBIndicates that the response order data is not well-formed.

Return codes for console events

Table 8. Return codes for console events
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL9000User created successfullyThe user profile was created successfully.
EBICSCL9001User updated successfullyThe user profile was updated successfully.
EBICSCL9002User deleted successfullyThe user profile was deleted successfully.
EBICSCL9003User creation failedCreating of a user profile failed. This error may be the result of, for example, the user profile already exists or if the parameters in the user configuration have invalid values.
EBICSCL9004User update failedVerify that the parameters for user configuration have valid values or if the connection to the database is down.
EBICSCL9005User deletion failedVerify that the parameters for user configuration have valid values or if the connection to the database is down.

Return codes for login

Table 9. Return codes for login
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL9020User Login was successfulThe user was successfully logged onto the system.
EBICSCL9021 and EBICSCL9022User Login failedAn attempt to log on to the hub was unsuccessful because of invalid user name or password or insufficient privileges.
EBICSCL9023User does not have privilege to access the URIVerify that you have the correct permission and role to access the URI.
EBICSCL9024The following features must be licensed as EBICS ClientObtain the license from IBM Support.
EBICSCL9025Account has been lockedAccount has been locked as maximum number of unsuccessful login exceeded its limit.

Return codes for file format

Table 10. Return codes for file format
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL9050File format created successfullyThe file format was created successfully.
EBICSCL9051File format updated successfullyThe file format was updated successfully.
EBICSCL9052File format creation failedVerify that the parameters for file format configuration have valid values or if the connection to the database is down.
EBICSCL9053File format update failedVerify that the parameters for file format configuration have valid values or if the connection to the database is down.
EBICSCL9054File format deleted successfullyThe file format was deleted successfully.
EBICSCL9055File format deletion failedVerify that the connection to the database is up or if the order type is associated with the appropriate file format.

Return codes for bank

Table 11. Return codes for bank
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL9070Bank created successfullyThe bank profile was created successfully.
EBICSCL9071Bank updated successfullyThe bank profile was updated successfully.
EBICSCL9072Bank creation failedVerify that the parameters for bank configuration have valid values or if the connection to the database is down.
EBICSCL9073Bank update failedVerify that the parameters for bank configuration have valid values or if the connection to the database is down.
EBICSCL9074Bank deleted successfullyThe bank profile was deleted successfully.
EBICSCL9075Bank deletion failedVerify that the connection to the database is up.
EBICSCL9076Bank key validated successfullyThe bank key was validated successfully.
EBICSCL9077Bank key validation failedThe hash value received from the bank does not match the hash value stored in EBICS Client system.

Return codes for order submission

Table 12. Return codes for order submission
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL9090Order submitted successfullyThe order was submitted successfully.
EBICSCL9095Order submission failedA few of the reasons for the failure of order submission are, if the submitter does not have the required permission, if the certificates are not valid, if the validation of bank keys failed, and so on.

Return codes for offer

Table 13. Return codes for offer
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL9101Offer created successfullyThe offer was created successfully.
EBICSCL9102Offer creation failedVerify that the connection to the database is up.
EBICSCL9103Offer updated successfullyThe offer was updated successfully.
EBICSCL9104Offer update failedVerify that the connection to the database is up.
EBICSCL9105Offer deleted successfullyThe offer was deleted successfully.
EBICSCL9106Offer deletion failedVerify that the connection to the database is up.

Return codes for user permissions

Table 14. Return codes for user permissions
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL9120User Permissions created successfullyThe user permission was created successfully.
EBICSCL9121User Permissions creation failedVerify that the connection to the database is up.
EBICSCL9122User Permissions updated successfullyThe user permission was updated successfully.
EBICSCL9123User Permissions update failedVerify that the connection to the database is up.
EBICSCL9124User Permissions deleted successfullyThe user permission was deleted successfully.
EBICSCL9125User Permissions deletion failedVerify that the connection to the database is up.

Return codes for pending signature

Table 15. Return codes for pending signature
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL9141Signature submittedThe signature was submitted successfully.
EBICSCL9142Signature submission failedVerify that the connection to the database is up or if the message was written successfully to the mailbox.
EBICSCL9143Signature updatedThe signature was updated successfully.
EBICSCL9144Signature update failedVerify that the connection to the database is up or if the message was written successfully to the mailbox.

Return codes for pending VEU signature

Table 16. Return codes for pending VEU signature
Return Code
Event Message
EBICSCL9151VEU Signature submittedThe VEU signature was submitted successfully.
EBICSCL9152VEU Signature submission failedVerify that the connection to the database is up or if the message was written successfully to the mailbox.

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On April 21 2021, 11 AM CT