MFT Services

Managed file transfer (MFT) - the secure transfer of data from one computer to another through a network

Managed file transfer (MFT) refers to a technology that provides the secure transfer of data in an efficient and reliable manner. MFT software is marketed to companies as a more secure alternative to using insecure protocols like FTP (file transfer protocol) and HTTP to transfer files. By using an MFT solution, companies can avoid custom scripting and meet compliance requirements.

MFT Services - FAQ's

MFT Server is a self-hosted software you deploy in your data center to gain full control of administration and setup. This reduces the need for SaaS-based FTP solutions and the risk of data compromise in the cloud.

MFT is often used by companies in the retail, banking, healthcare, manufacturing, telecommunication and insurance industries. The global MFT market was estimated at US$1.3 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach US$2.4 billion by 2027.

Securely send the file through an MFT email plugin. Send it through a web client (access the MFT solution from a browser) Automatically send it directly through the managed file transfer workflow. Place a file in a dedicated folder that the recipient can connect to securely for download.

These patterns involve robust network communication and security layers(AS2, FTP/SFTP, HTTP/HTTPS etc.), complex data translation layers(XML, EDI, CSV, IDOC, Flat Files, custom formats and more), industry standard enterprise adapters(FTP, JDBC, SAP, JDE, Web Services, etc.)

Managed file transfer (MFT) and SFTP software are often thought to be a package deal. But MFT is more than just an SFTP file transfer automation tool. While SFTP is a secure protocol for file transfers, MFT offers additional functionality for automation, reporting, and compliance.

MFT Services - Blog Posts

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