Sterling B2B Integrator - Order types

A brief description of the order type, definition of the parameters defined for the order type, and the sample XML schema are provided for the following order types.

FUL is a standard order type for submitting the files to the bank. Using this order type ensures a transparent transfer of files of any format.




A user initiates a upload transaction with the bank by submitting a upload (FUL) order request. FUL order type is a bank-technical download order type.

Attention: If you upload a large number of large payload (e.g. 200 MB) data to the EBICS Server using the FUL order type, the Initialize new HTTP session for each request parameter in the EBICS Client system properties should be set to true. To modify system properties, see Updating System Property Values.


Table 1. FUL parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. A technical user is a delegate of the non-technical or human user.

EBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID according to EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, FUL is the order type.
FileFormatThe file format associated with the order type. An order type can have zero or more file formats. The file formats for FUL and FDL order types are based on the SWIFTNet request type.
autoSubmitThis parameter is applicable only for FUL order type. If this parameter is set to true, then an order is automatically submitted after the required number of signatures are obtained. If this parameter is set to false, then an EBICS Client user has to log in to the EBICS Client dashboard interface, navigate to the pending tasks screen, and submit the order after the required number of signatures are obtained.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

Parameter List

The EBICS - Implementation Guide in France recommends that a test of the file transfer is necessary before transferring the actual files to the bank. Therefore, the customer workstation must have a set-up that allows transfer of files in a test as well as a production environment. To distinguish the test files from the production files, the parameter name TEST is included in the OrderParams tag for FUL and FDL order types. The OrderParams tag can be set in the orderMetaData XML. Similarly, the bank and the EBICS client can share a list of parameters and corresponding values based on a mutual understanding of the parameters defined in the contractual agreement.

The following example illustrates a scenario wherein test files are transferred and therefore the value of TEST is set to TRUE:



FDL is a standard order type for file downloads. Using this order type ensures a transparent transfer of files of any format.




FDL order type is a bank-technical download order type. A user initiates a download transaction with the bank by submitting a download (FDL) order request.


Table 1. FDL parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. A technical user is a delegate of the non-technical or human user.

EBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, FDL is the order type.
FileFormatThe file format associated with the order type. An order type can have zero or more file formats. The file formats for FUL and FDL order types are based on the SWIFTNet request type.
DownloadDateRangeStartThe start date of the download of order data. This parameter is applicable only for FDL order type.
DownloadDateRangeEndThe end date of the download of order data. This parameter is applicable only for FDL order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

Parameter List

The EBICS - Implementation Guide in France recommends that a test of the file transfer is necessary before transferring the actual files to the bank. Therefore, the customer workstation must have a set-up that allows transfer of files in a test as well as a production environment. To distinguish the test files from the production files, the parameter name TEST is included in the OrderParams tag for FUL and FDL order types. The OrderParams tag can be set in the orderMetaData XML. Similarly, the bank and the EBICS client can share a list of parameters and corresponding values based on a mutual understanding of the parameters defined in the contractual agreement.

The following example illustrates a scenario wherein test files are transferred and therefore the value of TEST is set to TRUE:
<ParameterList> <Parameter>
</Parameter> <Parameter>
</Parameter> <Parameter>
</Parameter> </ParameterList>

EBICS Client user shares the public keys for Electronic Signature with the bank through the INI (Initialization) order type.




INI is an upload key management order type. INI is used in subscriber initialization. Use INI to send the bank-technical public certificate of a customer to the bank. The order data is compressed and base64-encoded.

Self-signed certificates cannot be used for electronic signatures and consequently for user initialization (INI order type). An EBICS Client user using self-signed certificates for identification and authentication and encryption, has to use CA certificates for electronic signatures.


Table 1. INI parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. The INI order type can be submitted by a technical user who is a delegate of the non-techncial or human user. Hence, the value of the UserID is the same as the value of the systemID.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0100 to 0499 range. The value cannot be changed for INI, HIA, and HPB order types.

The order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, INI is the order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

EBICS Client user shares the public keys for identification and authentication and encryption with the bank through the HIA order type.




HIA is an upload key management order type. HIA is used to transmit user public certificates for identification and authentication, and encryption to enable the user to initiate transactions with the bank. The order data is compressed and base64-encoded.


Table 1. HIA parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. The HIA order type can be submitted by a technical user who is a delegate of the non-techncial or human user. Hence, the value of the UserID is the same as the value of the systemID.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0100 to 0499 range. The value cannot be changed for INI, HIA, and HPB order types.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HIA is the order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

You can use the H3K order type to share the public certificates for Electronic Signature, identification and authentication, and encryption with the bank.




H3K is an upload key management order type. H3K is used to transmit user public certificates for Electronic Signature, identification and authentication, and encryption to enable the user to initiate transactions with the bank.


Table 1. H3K parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. The H3K order type can be submitted by a technical user who is a delegate of the non-techncial or human user. Hence, the value of the UserID is the same as the value of the SystemID.
SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, H3K is the order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:ns2="partnerInfo">

Using the HPB order type, the EBICS Client user downloads the public certificates of the bank.




HPB is a download key management order type. The user submits an HPB order request to download the public certificates of the bank. After successful validation of the user's authentication and identification keys, the bank sends an HPB response. The HPB response contains the public bank keys. The user validates the bank keys against the internally generated hash values. After successful validation, the status of the bank changes to Activated, indicating that the partner and its associated users can now transact with the bank.

The order data is compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded. The response message and the order data are not signed.


Table 1. HPB parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. A technical user is a delegate of the non-technical or human user.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0100 to 0499 range. The value cannot be changed for INI, HIA, and HPB order types. The security medium for the subscriber’s bank-technical key is set to 0000 since HPB orders neither require electronic signatures nor transmit bank-technical subscriber keys.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HPB is the order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

Using the HKD order type, the user can download customer data and subscriber data.




HKD is a download key management order type. Use the HKD order type to download information about a partner and associated subscribers stored by the bank, including information about your own company. The order data is compressed and base64-encoded.


Table 1. HKD parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. A technical user is a delegate of the non-technical or human user.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HKD is the order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the HTD order type, the user can download customer data and subscriber data.




HTD is a download key management order type. Using HTD, the subscriber can retrieve information stored by the bank relating to their company or themselves. However, unlike HKD, the subscriber cannot retrieve information about the company’s other subscribers. The order data is compressed and base64-encoded.


Table 1. HTD parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. A technical user is a delegate of the non-technical or human user.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HTD is the order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the HEV order type, the user can download the EBICS versions supported by the bank.




HEV is a download key management order type. By submitting an HEV request, the user requests the bank to provide a list of EBICS versions supported by the bank. The bank provides a response that contains a list of supported EBICS versions and the version of the relevant schema.


Table 1. HEV parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. A technical user is a delegate of the non-technical or human user.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HEV is the order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

Use PTK order type to download transaction status.

PTK order type is available under H003 and H004 protocol versions.

Use PUB order type to send public key for signature verification.




PUB is an upload key management order type used to update customer's certificate and send the bank-technical public certificate to the bank. The order data is signed, compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded.


Table 1. PUB parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. The PUB order type can be submitted by a technical user who is a delegate of the non-techncial or human user. Hence, the value of the UserID is the same as the value of the systemID.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range. The value cannot be changed for INI, HIA, and HPB order types. The security medium for the subscriber’s bank-technical key is set to 0000 since HPB orders neither require electronic signatures nor transmit bank-technical subscriber keys.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, PUB is the order type.
UserSignNewPubKeyAliasThe alias of the public key of the new Electronic Signature (ES) certificate to be updated for the user.
UserSignNewPubKeyIDThe ID of the new Electronic Signature (ES) public certificate to be updated for the user.
UserSignNewPriKeyAliasThe alias of the private key of the new Electronic Signature (ES) certificate to be updated for the user. Set this parameter if you are not using a hardware key for Electronic Signature. The bank must have the public part of the key to validate the authorization.
UserSignNewPriKeyIDThe ID of the new Electronic Signature (ES) private certificate to be updated for the user. Set this parameter if you are not using a hardware key for Electronic Signature.
UserNewSignatureVersionThe key version of the new electronic signature to be updated for the user. The valid values are A005 or A006. If you are using a hardware key store for electronic signature, then the key version is set to A005 and cannot be changed.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

Use HCS order type to amend of the subscriber keys for Electronic Signature, identification and authentication, and encryption.




HCS is an upload key management order type. HCS is introduced to allow modification of all the three keys in a single transaction. The three keys include bank-technical electronic signature (PUB), identification and authentication signature and encryption (HCA). Therefore, order type HCS comprises PUB and HCA. The order types PUB and HCA can be used as alternatives to HCS.


Table 1. HCS parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. The HCS order type can be submitted by a technical user who is a delegate of the non-techncial or human user. Hence, the value of the UserID is the same as the value of the systemID.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range. The value cannot be changed for INI, HIA, and HPB order types. The security medium for the subscriber’s bank-technical key is set to 0000 since HPB orders neither require electronic signatures nor transmit bank-technical subscriber keys.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HCS is the order type.
UserSignNewPubKeyAliasThe alias of the public key of the new Electronic Signature (ES) certificate to be updated for the user.
UserSignNewPubKeyIDThe ID of the new Electronic Signature (ES) public certificate to be updated for the user.
UserSignNewPriKeyAliasThe alias of the private key of the new Electronic Signature (ES) certificate to be updated for the user. Set this parameter if you are not using a hardware key for Electronic Signature. The bank must have the public part of the key to validate the authorization.
UserSignNewPriKeyIDThe ID of the new Electronic Signature (ES) private certificate to be updated for the user. Set this parameter if you are not using a hardware key for Electronic Signature.
UserAuthNewPubKeyAliasThe alias of the new authentication public certificate to be updated for the user. The public key provided by the user to the bank to validate the authorization of the user in the request from the EBICS Client. The trading partner or user shares the key with the bank.
UserAuthNewPubKeyIDThe ID of the new authentication public certificate to be updated for the user.
UserAuthNewPriKeyAliasThe alias of the new authentication private certificate to be updated for the user. The private key used by EBICS Client to create a digital signature for the user in the request sent to the bank. The bank must have the public part of the key to validate the authorization.
UserAuthNewPriKeyIDThe ID of the new authentication private certificate to be updated for the user.
UserEncrNewPubKeyAliasThe alias of the new encryption public certificate to be updated for the user. The public part of the system certificate that is selected as the encryption private certificate. The trading partner or user shares the key with the bank.
UserEncrNewPubKeyIDThe ID of the new encryption public certificate to be updated for the user.
UserEncrNewPriKeyAliasThe alias of the new encryption private certificate to be updated for the user. The private key used by EBICS Client to decrypt the response received from the bank.
UserEncrNewPriKeyIDThe ID of the new encryption private certificate to be updated for the user.
UserNewSignatureVersionThe key version of the new electronic signature to be updated for the user. The valid values are A005 or A006. If you are using a hardware key store for electronic signature, then the key version is set to A005 and cannot be changed.
UserNewAuthVersionThe key version of the authentication certificate is X002.
UserNewEncVersionThe key version of the encryption certificate is E002.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

Using the HPD order type, the user can download bank parameters.




HPD is a download key management order type. The subscriber can receive information pertaining to the bank’s specific access (for example, URL or IP address to the bank and designation of the bank) and protocol parameters (for example, support for EBICS protocol versions, recovery, prevalidation, X.509, and so on). The order data is signed, compressed, encrypted, and base64-encoded.


Table 1. HPD parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. A technical user is a delegate of the non-technical or human user.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HPD is the order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

Use the SPR order type to suspend a user's access authorization.




SPR is an upload key management order type. A subscriber can be suspended from transacting further with the bank for several reasons. One of the primary reasons for suspending a user is if the subscriber keys are compromised. If there is any suspicion that the subscriber keys are compromised, the subscriber must immediately suspend their access authorization to all the bank systems that use the keys.

The SPR order type does not compromise any additional order data and therefore does not contain any order file. The electronic signature of the EBICS Client user who is to be suspended is sent to the bank. The order data is a blank character. The signature is compressed, encrypted, and base64 encoded similar to a standard upload transaction.

Once a subscriber is suspended from transacting with the bank, the subscriber has to submit a new set of INI and HIA order types to the bank. If a subscriber is suspended by the bank, initialization through INI and HIA is not possible. Only the bank can revoke the suspension.


Table 1. SPR parameters
Description and value
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
SystemIDUser ID of the technical user. The SPR order type can be submitted by a technical user who is a delegate of the non-techncial or human user. Hence, the value of the UserID is the same as the value of the systemID.

EBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, SPR is the order type.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""

Using the HVD order type, the user can retrieve the state of a VEU order.




HVD is a download order type for distributed signature. Use the HVD order type to retrieve the state of an order that is currently in VEU processing and for which the subscriber is authorized as a signatory. With HVD, the hash value of the order is retrieved.


Table 1. HVD parameters
Description and value
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HVD is the order type.
SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
VEUOrderSeqIDThe sequence ID of the transaction for which you are retrieving the HVD details. EBICS Client assigns a sequence ID to a transaction.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the HVE order type, the user can add a VEU signature.




HVE is an upload order type for distributed signature. Use the HVE order type to add a bank-technical signature for authorization to an order for VEU processing. The signature data is compressed, encrypted, and base64 encoded.


Table 1. HVE parameters
Description and value
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HVE is the order type.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

ProductThe product for the EBICS Client application.
productLangThe language setting of the EBICS Client application that you are using. For example, specify EN if the language is set to English.
SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
OrigPartnerIDThe Partner ID associated with the user who submitted the upload order type.
OrigOrderIDThe order ID of the order for which the signature is applied.
OrigOrderTypeThe order type of the order for which the signature is applied.
VeuMessageDigestSpecify the Message Digest to submit the hash value of the order data. You can request for the hash value by calling or mailing the bank. The bank sends the hash value of the order data through an alternate mode of communication, for example, email.
PAYLOADMSGIDSpecify a ID for the payload message to submit the complete payload from your mailbox. You can request for the payload by calling or mailing the bank. The bank sends the payload to your EBICS Client mailbox.
VEUOrderSeqIDThe sequence ID of the transaction for which you are applying the signature using HVE. EBICS Client assigns a sequence ID to a transaction.

XML schema

The following XML schema illustrates the use of HVE using VEU message digest:
=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""
<Product>IBM EBICS Client</Product>
The following XML schema illustrates the use of HVE using payload message ID when the entire payload is available in the mailbox:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""
<Product>IBM EBICS Client</Product>

Using the HVT order type, the user can retrieve detailed information about an order from VEU processing for which the user is authorized as a signatory.




HVT is a download order type for distributed signature. Use the HVT order type to retrieve transaction details about an order from VEU processing.


Table 1. HVT parameters
Description and value
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HVT is the order type.
SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
VEUOrderSeqIDThe sequence ID of the transaction for which you are downloading transaction details using HVT. EBICS Client assigns a sequence ID to a transaction.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

completeOrderDataIf the completeOrderData attribute is set to true, the user sends a request to receive the complete order file. If the completeOrderData attribute is set to false, the user sends a request to receive specific details, such as, account details, implementation deadline, amount, and other description.
fetchLimitMaximum number of order details to be transmitted if the completeOrderData attribute is set to false. The default value is 100. Valid value is any non-negative integer. Specify 0 to fetch unlimited number of details. While it is possible to retrieve more than 100 details at a time, it is not ideal.
fetchOffsetThe offset position in the original order file that marks the starting point of the transaction details to be transmitted. If the completeOrderData attribute is set to false, then the offset position applies to the sequential number of a particular order. The default value is 0. Valid value is any non-negative integer. To retrieve more than 100 records, set fetch offset as 0 to retrieve the first 100 records, then set fetch offset as 101 to retrieve the next 100 records. Continue as needed.

XML schema

The following sample XML demonstrates the use of HVT order type when the completeOrderData attribute is set to true:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
The following sample XML demonstrates the use of HVT order type when the completeOrderData attribute is set to false:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the HVU order type, the user can list the orders for which the user is authorized as a signatory.




HVU is a download order type for distributed signature. Use the HVU order type to download VEU overview. In the HVU request, the subscriber optionally submits a list of order types for which the subscriber is authorized as a signatory.


Table 1. HVU parameters
Description and value
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HVU is the order type.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

ProductThe product for the EBICS Client application.
productLangThe language setting of the EBICS Client application that you are using. For example, specify EN if the language is set to English.
SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
VEUOrderTypesThe order types in the form of an XML list for which HVU data is to be retrieved.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""
<Product>IBM EBICS Client</Product>
<VEUOrderTypes>C2C C2S</VEUOrderTypes>

Using the HVZ order type, the user can download VEU overview with additional information.




HVZ is a download order type for distributed signature. Use the HVZ order type to download VEU overview with additional information. In the HVZ request, the subscriber optionally submits a list of order types for which the subscriber is authorized as a signatory. HVZ response order data contains the complete information of HVU response order data and HVD response order data, except the display file element.


Table 1. HVZ parameters
Description and value
PartnerIDThe partner ID associated with the user ID.
HostIDThe bank ID or the host ID of the bank to which the EBICS Client user submitted the order. It is a unique ID for the bank in the bank's system.
HostUrlAliasWhen configuring a bank profile, you can specify multiple host URLs and set one host URL as the default. If you want to send a request to a host URL that is not the default URL, then, specify a value for this parameter.
OrderTypeThe order type of the order you are submitting. In this case, HVZ is the order type.
orderIdPrefixEBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

This parameter is used with EBICS protocol version H003 only.

ProductThe product for the EBICS Client application.
productLangThe language setting of the EBICS Client application that you are using. For example, specify EN if the language is set to English.
SecurityMediumA 4-digit security number in the 0000 to 0499 range.
UserIDUnique ID of the user in the bank's system, which corresponds to the user created in the EBICS Client dashboard.
VEUOrderTypesThe order types in the form of an XML list for which HVZ data is to be retrieved.

XML schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<orderMetaData xmlns:xsi=""
<Product>IBM EBICS Client</Product>
<VEUOrderTypes>C2X TST-Upload</VEUOrderTypes>

Using the CCT order type, the user can initiate the credit transfer per Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) specification set by the European Payment Council or Die Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft (DK (German)).




CCT is an upload order type that uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the CCT order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the CCU order type, the user can initiate the credit transfer for urgent payments.




CCU is an upload order type that uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the CCU order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the STA order type, the user can download the SWIFT daily accounts.




STA is a download order type that uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the STA order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the VMK order type, the user can download the short-term acknowledgement slips.




VMK is a download order type that uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the VMK order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the CD1 order type, the user can initiate a single day debit, which allows the creditor to submit the collection file one day before the collection date.




CD1 is an upload order type that uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the CD1 order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the CDD order type, the user can initiate a direct debit transaction.




CDD is an upload order type that uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the CDD order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the CRZ order type, the user can download the payment status report for each credit transfer. If a zip file containing numerous pain.002.003.03 messages is sent by EBICS server to the requesting EBICS client then, multiple files with same name in the mailbox are renamed. For example, files in mailbox : precisely.dat,precisely.dat,precisely.dat,precisely.dat, then the download zip contains, precisely.dat,precisely1.dat,precisely2.dat,precisely3.dat.




CDD is a download order type that uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the CRZ order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the CDZ order type, the user can download the payment status report for each direct debit transaction.




CDZ is a download order type that uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the CDZ order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the YCT order type the user can upload credit transfer initiation.




The YCT order type uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

File format


XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the YCT order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the YDD order type the user can upload direct debit initiation.




The YDD order type uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

File format


XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the YDD order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the XCT order type the user can upload credit transfer initiation.




The XCT order type uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

File format


XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the XCT order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Using the XTX order type the user can download payment status report for credit transfer.




The XTX order type uses the protocol version H003 and H004.

File format


XML schema

The following is the XML schema of the XTX order type:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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Sterling B2B Integrator - Submit and sign an FUL order type

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Client User

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Sterling B2B Integrator - HAC Processing

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On April 21 2021, 11 AM CT