Sterling B2B Integrator - Searches

You can use the IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator interface to search for nearly all the entities that are related to your use of the system, from system processes to sets of data that is used to regulate or enable processes.

The IBM Sterling B2B Integrator interface supports a variety of simple and advanced searches. For example, you can either perform a simple search to locate a business process by name or an advanced search for a business process by specifying multiple criteria, including name, date, instance ID, and start time.

For example, you can search for:
  • Active, archived, and restored business processes
  • Trading partner profiles and related data such as identities, transport, and packaging information, contracts, and code lists
  • Documents processed
  • Service activity information and service configurations
  • Transaction information
  • Interchange information
  • Standards information
  • Schedules
  • Maps
  • Resources
  • User accounts.

For information about the procedure for searching a specific entity, see the appropriate topic in the online documentation library.

Basic Search and List Search

You can perform basic standard and list item searches in most pages of the Admin Console that enables entering and saving information.

Basic standard searches and list searches are used throughout the Admin Console interface.

Generally, any page in the Admin Console that enables you to enter and save information, such as a trading profile, service configuration, or user account, also enables you to perform basic standard searches and list item searches for the items you save. Use these searches to find previously saved information that you want to view or modify.

The following figure shows a page in the Admin Console that enables both a standard basic search and a list search:


In this example, the basic search enables you to perform a simple search on the name of a service. The List option enables you to locate a service by listing all the service configurations, filtering your search based on your alphabetical selection, or by listing all the services of a selected type.

Throughout the interface, many list searches provide search options that help narrow down the data to be displayed in the list. Both basic searches and list searches display results in a list. You can select the corresponding item in the list to view or modify the related data.

Some basic searches enable you to enter more information to narrow down the search. The following figure shows a basic search feature that enables you to provide a variety of search parameters to locate a specific service activity record:


Advanced Search

From the Administration Menu in the Admin Console pane, you can access various advanced search options that are designed to ease the process of locating a range of data related to your processes.

To locate advanced search options in the Administration Menu, select Business Processes > Monitor > Advanced Search.

The following figure shows the Advanced search options in the expanded menu:


  • Sterling B2B Integrator to search live tables or restore tables for the desired data you are searching for
  • Select date and time ranges
  • Specify parameters such as IDs, control numbers, status, related data, and transport method.

The following figure shows an example advanced search page, the EDIINT Transaction Search page, that enables you to select the associated contract, status, and transport type, and enter a start and end date and time:


Data Flows Search

You can enter search criteria for tracking data that is moving into or out of IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator by streaming through an adapter (data flows).

You can use the Data Flows page to trace the document path by using the following parameters:
  • From the time it is transferred into IBM Sterling B2B Integrator.
  • As it is processed by IBM Sterling B2B Integrator.
  • When it is transferred out of IBM Sterling B2B Integrator to an external system.

To track data flows, from the Administration Menu, select Business Processes > Advanced Search > Data Flows. The following figure shows the fields you use in a typical Data Flows search, populated with sample values:


Communication Session Records Search

You can enter search criteria to view communication session records. These records include the associated authentication, authorization, file transfer, or non-file transfer records, even if a document is not transferred and no data flow record is created.

To view communications sessions records, from the Administration Menu, select Business Processes > Monitor > Communication Sessions. The following figure shows the fields you use in a typical Communication Sessions search, populated with sample values:

Communications Sessions
Note: There is a difference in Communication Events when SFTP get is performed:
  • SFTP Server Adapter – Two events (Extract Begin and Extract Commit)
  • SFTP Server Adapter 2.0 – Only one event as Extract

Correlation Search

Correlation searches rely on name-value pairs to define the specific data items the system searches for. The defined data items are tracking points for business processes and documents.

IBM® Sterling B2B Integrator enables you to enter correlated search criteria to perform advanced correlation searching.

For example, instead of searching all of IBM Sterling B2B Integrator for a particular invoice, you can search for that invoice number, which saves you time.

IBM Sterling B2B Integrator includes a correlation service that you can use to define a correlation that enables you to search for a specific data item. Correlations are either reconfigured and come with IBM Sterling B2B Integrator, or are created when a process runs.

The data for correlations is stored as name-value pair records in the correlation table in IBM Sterling B2B Integrator. You can search the data using the Correlation Search option.

The following figure shows the fields you use in a typical correlation search:


To enter a name-value pair, you select a value in one or more name fields and type the appropriate correlated value in the corresponding Value field. The following figure shows the drop-down menu of options for the Name fields:


The Advanced Search options in the Administration Menu provide specific pages for performing correlation searches pertaining to EDI interchanges, groups and transactions, business process specification schemas, and ebXML message flows.

Portlet-Specific Search

Several of the available Dashboard portlets offer capabilities for performing specific searches, such as searches for business processes, documents, and Internet searches.

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Filter and Group Selection Fields

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Navigating Sterling B2B Integrator​

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Associated External Applications

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