Sterling B2B Integrator -Export Subscription Manager Information

The following table lists the XML attributes that must be present in the primary document of the EBICSSubscrMgrExport business process. This business process enables you to retrieve information related to a host ID, partner ID, user ID, protocol version, and order type.




Based on the host ID, all the information related to the host is retrieved. This includes basic host information, all the URLs pertaining to the host, all the offers that belong to the host, and all the order types that belong to each of the offers.




Based on the host ID and the partner ID, all the information related to the host and the specified partner is retrieved. The offer to which the partner belongs, orders used by the partner, and the list of users under this partner are specified. Partner information includes the account information pertaining to partner.




Information related to the host, the partner, the offer to which the partner belongs, the user, and the orders to which the partner is associated with, is retrieved. The account information is used by the user. The user information includes permissions for the user, such as the authorization level, maximum amount, currency, allow test flow and user keys.


Information related to all the order types and file formats associated with the defined protocol version, for example, H003, is retrieved.



Information related to all the order types and file formats associated with the defined protocol version, for example, H003, and order type, for example, FUL, is retrieved.

To export the configurations related to a bank, partner, user, offer, user relationship, or order type and file format in the EBICS Banking Server, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator.
  2. From the Administration menu, select Business Processes > Manager.
  3. Search for the EBICSSubscrMgrExport business process by specifying a part of the business process name or the entire business process name in the Process Name field and click Go. Alternatively, you can also list all the business processes or specific processes based on the letter with which the process name begins. Click the down arrow next to Alphabetically, make your selection, and click Go.
  4. Click execution manager next to the Process Name you want to run.
  5. Click execute.
  6. In the Execute Business Process Input page, browse to locate the <input.xml> file with the required configuration, select the file, and click Go.
    The input file is created based on the configuration related to either the bank, partner, user, offer, user relationship, or order type and file format in the EBICS Banking Server.
    The <input.xml> is in the following format:
    • The root XML tag is <SubscriberMgrInfo>.
    • The child XML tag <Profiles> is used for bank and bank-related information, for example, the offer and permissions relating to partner and subscriber, . The <HostInfo> with the appropriate attributes is under the <Profiles> tag.
    • The child XML tag <OrderTypes> is used for order type information. The <OrdTypeInfo> with the appropriate attributes is under the <OrderTypes> tag.
    The following XML illustrates the input XML for export of data related to a host, partner, order types, file formats, and permissions given to a user:
    <SubscriberMgrInfo xmlns=
                                <HostInfo HostId=”HOSTBNK1″ PartnerId=”PARTNER1″ UserId=”USER1″/>
                                <OrdTypeInfo ProtocolVer=”H003″ OrdType=”FUL”/>
    After the business process is run, Instance Data in Sterling B2B Integrator displays a message stating whether the export was successful or not.

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Sterling B2B Integrator -Import Subscription Manager Information

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Sterling B2B Integrator - EBICS Server User

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Sterling B2B Integrator - Configure EBICS Adapters and Services

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