Sterling B2B Integrator - Submit and sign an FUL order type

The following example scenario demonstrates submitting and signing, or rejecting, an FUL order type where the submitter and signer are two separate entities. If the Electronic Signature (ES) value is set to 1, then a single signature of E or A authorization level is sufficient to process an order.

In this example scenario, the following entities are used:
  • Submitter is EBICS user USERSUBMIT
  • Signatory is EBICS user USERSIGN
  • Bank name is BANK
  • Offer name is OFFER
  • Partner name is PARTNER
Attention: If you upload a large number of large payload (e.g. 200 MB) data to the EBICS Server using the FUL order type, the Initialize new HTTP session for each request parameter in the EBICS Client system properties should be set to true. To modify system properties, see Updating System Property Values.

To submit an FUL order type, when ES=1, complete the following steps using the Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client user interface:

  1. Configure USERSUBMIT and USERSIGN as EBICS Client users.
    For information about configuring an existing user as an EBICS client user, see Configure an Existing User as EBICS Client User.
  2. Configure a bank profile for BANK.
    For information about configuring a bank profile, see Create a Bank Profile.
  3. Configure an offer for OFFER.
    For information about configuring an offer, see Create an Offer.
  4. Configure user permission for OFFER.
    For information about user permission, see Create User Permission.
  5. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client as an admin.
  6. From the Permissions menu, select User permissions.
  7. In the User Permission Configuration page, in the Offer name field, under Search, enter the offer name, OFFER, for which the user permission is configured.
  8. Click GO.
  9. Click the update icon adjacent to the user permission you want to edit. The offer name of the user permission is OFFER and the associated bank ID is BANK.
  10. In the Update: Permission Information page, click the update icon adjacent to any FUL file format, for example, pain.001.001.02.ict.
  11. In the Add permission page, specify 1 in the No of signatures required field.
  12. Click Add Signatories.
  13. In the Add signatory page, select USERSIGN from the User ID drop-down list. Select Signer as the Permission type.
  14. Click Save.
  15. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client as an USERSUBMIT.
  16. Generate the INI and HIA letters using the EBICS Client dashboard user interface, or use the H3K order type.
    For information about sending public keys to the bank through INI and HIA, or H3K, see Initializing a User.
  17. Manually sign and mail the INI and HIA letters to BANK. Not applicable for H3K.
  18. Initialize users using one of the following methods:
    • Submit an H3K order.
    • Use INI and HIA together.
      • Submit INI and HIA orders.
      • Generate and sign initialization letters of INI and HIA. Mail the signed letters to the bank.
    For more information, see Initializing a User.
  19. After successful verification, BANK changes the status of the user, USERSUBMIT, from New to Ready, indicating that USERSUBMIT can now transact with the bank.
  20. Using the HPB order type, download the public certificates of BANK.
  21. Repeat steps 15 to 19 for USERSIGN.
  22. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client as an admin.
  23. Validate the hash value of the certificates received from the bank.
    For information about validating bank certificates, see Validate a Bank Key.
    After successful validation of the bank keys, the status of the bank changes to Activated.
  24. Log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client as an USERSUBMIT.
  25. From the User Menu, select Order submission.
  26. In the Order Information page, specify the following values and click Next.
    • Select PARTNER as the Partner ID
    • Select BANK as the Bank ID(Host ID)
    • Select Bank technical orders as the Order type filter
    • Select FUL as the Order type
  27. Specify the values for the fields according to the instructions in the following table and click Send:
    Order ID prefix

    Optional. From the drop-down list, select the order ID prefix, for example F. EBICS Client allocates a unique order ID to each order based on the bank, user ID, and the order type. The client generates the order ID as per EBICS specifications. The order ID is a 4-digit alphanumeric ID. You can specify the first character of the order ID. The second, third, and fourth characters of the order ID are alphanumeric in an ascending order (A-Z or 0-9).

    Security medium

    Required. Type a 4-digit security number in 0100 to 0499 range. For example, 0200.


    Optional. Applicable for FUL order type only. Select the check box.

    If the autosubmit option is selected, then an order is automatically submitted after the required number of signatures are obtained.

    If the autosubmit option is not selected, then an EBICS Client user has to log in to the EBICS Client dashboard interface, navigate to the pending tasks screen, and submit the order after the required number of signatures are obtained.

    Read file from mailbox

    To upload the payload file from the mailbox, select Yes. To upload the payload file from a file location, select No.

    Upload file

    Click Browse next to Upload file, navigate to the file location and select the file that is to be uploaded to the EBICS server.

    File format

    Select pain.001.001.02.ict from the drop-down list.

    An order submission confirmation message is displayed.
  28. To sign the order, log in to Sterling B2B Integrator EBICS Client as an USERSIGN.
  29. From the Viewers menu, select Pending tasks.
    The FUL order submitted by USERSUBMIT is listed as a pending task.
    For information about pending tasks, see Pending Tasks.
    If the order contains any custom attributes, they will be visible on this screen.
    For information about custom attributes, see Submit an order as a technical user.
  30. Click Sign to sign the pending FUL order, or click Reject to reject the order. If any signatory rejects the order before the required number of signatories is met, the order is no longer listed as a pending task to any of the signatories, and it should not be processed further.
  31. When submitting the FUL order, if you had not enabled the autosubmit option, then log in to EBICS Client as USERSUBMIT, navigate to the pending tasks screen, and submit the FUL order that is signed by USERSIGN.

To view the status (Success, Failed, In Progress, or Pending at Client) of the submitted order in the EBICS Client user interface, from the Viewers menu, select Order Search and provide the appropriate search criteria to locate the order.

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Sterling B2B Integrator - Order types

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